Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Senior Pastor, Janesville, WI

2843 West Court Street
Janesville, WI 53548

Job Title: Senior Pastor

Job Description:


The purpose of the Senior Pastor at River Hills Community Church (RHCC) is to so teach, counsel and live the Word of God (the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ) that the whole church is brought to maturity in Christ.  As a member of the Elder Board, the senior pastor will serve with the other elected elders, providing oversight to the vision, mission, strategy, goals, plans, programs and personnel of the whole church.


The senior pastor is the teaching elder of the church and is responsible for overseeing the teaching ministry of the church in all of its facets. He is also responsible for the oversight of the church as a member of the Elder Board.

Report to the Elder Board; ultimately responsible to the congregation.

Elder Board, Paid staff, ministry leaders and congregation at large


1.     Keep watch over yourself through the regular practice of the spiritual disciplines.
2.     Submit to regular spiritual and professional oversight by the Elder Board and/or designees.
3.     Regular prayer in private and in public for the spiritual welfare of the congregation and the advancement of God’s church in the world.
4.     Set an example for believers in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity in public and private.
5.     Be thoroughly prepared to preach expository, theologically informed, biblically faithful and spiritually edifying sermons each Sunday and on other assigned occasions.
6.     Oversee the Sunday worship service through regular association with and instruction of all who participate in leading worship.
7.     Supervise the daily work of all paid staff with the approval of the Elder Board.
8.     Fully participate in the oversight of the whole church as a member of the Elder Board.
9.     Regularly give personal spiritual direction to current and potential leaders in the church.
10.  Give personal biblical counsel to those in the congregation who are: 1) troubled and looking for help, 2) troubled but not looking for help, 3) getting married, and 4) seeking spiritual direction.
11.  Give oversight to and be personally involved in the assimilation of new people to the congregation, preparing people for baptism, preparing people for membership, training parents to teach the gospel to their children, and officiating funerals.
12.  Oversee, in consultation with Elder Board, the bi-annual Leadership Summits and annual Elder Retreat.
13.  Other duties as assigned by Elder Board or congregation


1.     Male
2.     Minimum of a Masters of Divinity from an orthodox Christian seminary.
3.     Unreserved commitment to and ability to defend the EFCA Statement of Faith and the RHCC Elder Confession.
4.     Credentialed by the EFCA or willing to transfer credentials once hired by RHCC
5.     Demonstrated ability in preaching expository sermons.
6.     Trained in and practicing Biblical Counseling on the model developed by the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.
7.     Demonstrated ability in evangelism, small group leadership and personal discipleship.
8.     Demonstrated ability in leading groups of people to embrace a common purpose and goals and work together to fulfill them.
9.     Meets the biblical qualifications for an elder as stated in 1 Timothy 3:1-6 & Titus 1:6­9.
10.  Demonstrated progress in Christian growth.

Information about the Church:

River Hills Community Church (EFCA) with a reformed baptist perspective is seeking a full time senior pastor for this midwest church of 250.  We are a contemporary church with an expository biblical theological hermeneutic.  Our Senior Pastor, John Swanson, died on March 20, 2013.  As we continue to mourn his loss, we are in the process of seeking a senior pastor.

Application/Contact Information: 
Please go to and follow the instructions therein.
Deadline for response is 09/22/2013.

Church Website:

Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.