Monday, June 3, 2013

Associate Pastor for Education and Youth, Sturgeon Bay, WI

First Baptist Church
610 N. 5TH Avenue
Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235

Job Title: Associate Pastor for Education and Youth

Job Description: We are looking for an Associate Pastor who will supervise and oversee many and varied Christian Education ministries of the church, especially those dealing with infants through high school age youth.  We want someone to join our team who will develop and lead ministers from within the congregation to use their gifts, talents, and energy to carry out ministries. The Associate will also engage in other general pastoral responsibilities, especially related to the areas of youth and education; there will be regular opportunities for teaching as well as occasional opportunities for preaching.

1. The Associate Pastor will supervise and oversee many and varied Christian Education ministries of the church, especially those dealing with infants through high school age youth. It is expected that the Associate will develop and lead ministers from within the congregation to use their gifts, talents, and energy to carry out the ministries.
These ministries may include, and are not limited to: 

  • Nursery
  • Children’s Church
  • Youth Groups
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Sunday School
  • Children’s Club Programs
  • Children’s and/or Youth Musical/Drama Programs Mission Teams/Outreach Opportunities
  • Family Christian Education Opportunities Summer Camp/Weekend Retreat Ministries

2. The Associate Pastor will be a member of and work closely with the Education Committee and will serve ex officio (with voice and vote) on each of the Education Committee’s task forces, subcommittees and/or ministry teams created by the Education Committee to carry out their work.

3. The Associate Pastor will engage in other general pastoral responsibilities, especially related to the areas of youth and education.

4. The Associate Pastor will subscribe without reservation to the church’s Statement of Faith and Church Covenant and will be in full agreement with Article 4 of the Church Constitution, which deals with church membership. In addition, he will embrace the church’s philosophy of ministry and values guiding our church’s leadership. Furthermore, he must agree to abide by the Baptist General Conference’s Code of Ministerial Ethics and shall also consider First Baptist Church the proper and legitimate caretaker of his ministerial credentials, including licensure and ordination.

5. The Associate Pastor must be willing to consider a long-term commitment to First Baptist Church of Sturgeon Bay. While a “guarantee” is not required, the expectation is that a long-term relationship is in view – perhaps at least five years.

1. To enable maximum use of personal gifts and abilities for the good of the body of believers and to the glory of God, First Baptist Church will seek to meet the financial needs and obligations of the Associate Pastor with a fair and reasonable salary and benefits package. While the specific aspects of such a package are negotiable, the salary range is $40,000-$55,000 depending on experience and other considerations.
A compensation package will give fair consideration not only to salary and housing allowance, but also health insurance, retirement, time off (including vacation), and personal growth and development. In addition, the church shall consider proper reimbursement for ministerial expenses, including mileage, personal professional expenses and denominational participation.

2. The Associate Pastor and the Church board must exercise honesty and ethical integrity in dealing with the various issues of compensation. The Church Board will review and update specifics of the compensation package and will create a Pastoral Relations Committee to work with the Associate Pastor to help provide a healthy pastor-church relationship.

Information about the Church: We are a medium-sized church (with average worship attendance around 180) in a smaller city (10,000 people) in Door County (northeast Wisconsin).

Application/Contact Information: Persons with an interest in the position should complete an application packet; the application form is available online at FBC’s website:

For more information, feel free to contact Pastor Cory Dahl
First Baptist Church
610 N. 5TH Avenue Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235


Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.