Monday, September 23, 2013

Pastor of Music and Worship, Tulsa, OK

5838 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa, OK 74145

Job Title: Pastor of Music and Worship

Job Description:
Reports to and is under the direct supervision of the Senior Pastor and is accountable to the Board of Elders.
This pastor will build the Body of Christ by ministering the Word of God through music. As a result of this ministry,
1. The congregation will worship God with joyful reverence.
2. Current and new musicians will grow in Christ and develop their skills.
3. TBC will grow as our Mission and Vision advances through music.

Principal Duties:
1. Lead and coordinate all aspects of TBC’s music and worship ministries in concert with the Worship Council.  Ministries include choir, orchestra, praise teams, instrumental ensembles, vocalists, and youth choirs.

2. Plan and lead congregational worship services.
   a. Oversee selection of service elements to engage with weekly text.
   b. Prepare and rehearse musicians, vocalists, and leaders as appropriate.
   c. Maintain worship calendars and coordinate participants.
   d. Lead Auditorium service; support and coach Overflow leaders.
   e. Design and coordinate seasonal services  and events.

3. Develop and lead ministry teams for worship ministries.

4. Direct and develop choir and orchestra.

5. Oversee Audio-Visual ministry.

6. Maintain all instruments and equipment related to Worship Ministries.

7. Fulfill TBC’s Core Values, Mission and Vision in our worship ministry.
   a. Promote genuine love for Jesus and joyful reverence in worship.
   b. Lead with a spirit of discipleship in  worship ministries.
   c. Promote caring relationships among musicians.
   d. Give visionary leadership for outreach through worship ministries.

8. Oversee Worship Ministry budget.

9. Function as a collegial member of the Pastoral Staff.

10. Perform other duties as directed by the Senior Pastor.

1. Character consistent with the qualifications of an elder (1 Tim 3, Titus 1).
2. Demonstrated ability to lead musicians.
3. At least 3-5 years experience serving on a church staff.
4. Masters degree preferred.

Information about the Church

Philosophy of Worship:

Worship is ascribing honor and glory to God our Creator1 because honor and glory are due His name.2  Worship results from seeing3 and savoring4 Jesus Christ5 as Lord6: who He is7 and what He has done.8  A believer9 who treasures Jesus Christ10 loves His Word11, presents himself as an obedient living sacrifice12, and longs to make Christ known in the world.13 Thus worship results in living for Jesus Christ our Savior by ceaselessly pursuing holiness,14 a pure life,15 a heart of humility,16 unity within the body,17 a habit of service,18 faithful outreach,19 and joy.20

1 Psalm 95:6, Romans 1:25
2 I Chronicles 16:29, Isaiah 45:23, Philippians 2:10
3 Isaiah 6:1, Ezekiel 1:28, Luke 5:8, Revelation 1:17
4 Psalm 34:8,  John 6:35
5 Philippians 3:3, Col 1:18, Revelation 5:12
6 Acts 10:36, Romans 10:9, Philippians 2:11
7 Revelation 4:11, John 1:1
8 I Samuel 12:24, Luke 1:49, Romans 8:1
9 John 4:23, Matthew 7:21
10 Proverbs 2:1, II Corinthians 4:7, Matthew 13:44 11 Psalm 42:1; John 14:21
12 Romans 12:1
13 Isaiah 6:8, II Corinthians 5:11
14 Leviticus 20:7, Ephesians 1:4
15 Psalm 24:3,4, Matthew 5:8, II Timothy 2:22
16 Psalm 34:2, Matthew 5:3, James 4:10
17 Psalm 133:1, Rom 15:5,6, Ephesians 4:4-6
18 Judges 7:15, Galatians 5:13
19 Isaiah 6:8, Acts 24:14, Acts 27:23
20 Psalm 16:11, I Peter 1:8

Corporate worship is gathering to praise God21 and propel one another toward Christ.22  We preach the gospel23 to one another;24 speak, sing, and teach God’s Word, work, and character to one another;25 offer God our united prayer and praise;26 and humbly serve and encourage one another with our God given gifts by the power of the Holy Spirit.27  We nurture together an ever-deepening pleasure in Christ our Savior,28 always pursuing Godly beauty and order29 as we edify one another.30

21 Acts 2:46,47, I Thessalonians 5:16-18
22 Romans 15:1-7, Hebrews 12:1,2, Hebrews 10:24, 25 
23 The gospel in its fullest sense is the good news of God’s work to bless and redeem His fallen creation and bring all things back under His good rule through Jesus Christ (the gospel of the kingdom).  The central event of this good news is Jesus’ cross and resurrection: Christ’s life, atoning death, and resurrection secured and accomplished all God’s promises for the redemption of this world (1 Cor 1:20). So the gospel is both the good news of personal forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus and, more broadly understood, the good news of God’s restoration of all things which is ours through Christ’s life and work.  These promised blessings include reconciliation between people, transformation through the Holy Spirit’s power, our bodily resurrection, and the promised new heavens and earth, to name a few. When we preach the gospel to one another, then, we are not merely repeating the facts of Jesus’ earthly life.  We also exhort and encourage each other to embrace the overflowing fullness of the hope He has given us in Christ.
24 I Thessalonians 2:9, I Peter 2:3-12
25 Psalm 9:1, Psalm 77:11, I Corinthians 15:1, Ephesians 5:19, Colossians 1:23
26 Isaiah 63:7, Acts 13:1,2
27 Ephesians 4:11-13, Galatians 5:13
28 Isaiah 35:10, Psalm 1:2, Psalm 8, Romans 8:31-39
29 I Corinthians 14:40
30 Romans 15:2

Application/Contact Information
Tulsa Bible Church
5838 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa, OK 74145