Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Associate Pastor, Grand Forks, ND

Grace Baptist Church
700 24th Ave S
Grand Forks, ND 58201
United States

Job Title: Associate Pastor

Job Description:
Position Summary – To serve as the elder directly responsible for oversight and equipping to our worship ministry and small group ministry.

The Man:
Overall this position is to be filled by a man who has a deep love for Jesus and His word. He must have a strong commitment to knowing and helping other know and understand God through His word.

This man must have strong leadership, organizational, and pastoral skills, and be a people-oriented team builder. We are looking for someone who sees himself primarily as an “equipper of the saints.”

Overseeing and equipping people in the area of worship ministry will be the first priority for this man so we are looking for someone who loves to lead people into worship of God through music and singing and so have skills and talents in that area. But more than that we want this man to work at equipping others to do the same thing.

Along with overseeing and equipping people in the area of worship ministry we are looking for a man that also sees himself called as a shepherd of the body of Christ and has a passion for equipping people to be disciples of Jesus Christ through the ministry of small groups.

1.      Oversee the worship ministry and equip leaders of worship ministry teams.
2.      Serve as the equipper for our small group ministry. [Our small group ministry is our primary discipleship strategy.]
3.      Lead Sunday worship gatherings no more than 50% of the time.
4.      Oversee the whole Sunday Morning Worship event (greeters, ushers, etc.).
5.      Recruit and equip leaders for small groups in conjunction with the Lead pastor/elder.
6.      Develop lay teams for worship leadership in areas of music, video, and prayer.
7.      Lead music team rehearsals until team leaders are well trained to do so.
8.      Develop an annual ministry plan and budget for Worship Ministries.
9.      Develop an annual ministry plan and budget for Discipleship Ministries.
10.     Work with the Lead Pastor to develop a worship based prayer ministry.
11.     Participate in all scheduled staff meetings and staff development time.

1.      Be a self starter and self-motivated with the gift of leadership and administrative skills in order to plan ahead; exhibits a proven track record of equipping and unleashing people into ministry.
2.      Can both lead and thrive in a team-based environment.
3.      Teachable, responsive, and respectful of authority.

4.      Pastoral presence on the platform, with an ability to engage the heart of people through music and words.
5.      Able to create and sustain a strong servant culture.
6.      Able to equip others with wisdom and grace.
7.      Must have a growing relationship with an love for Jesus; be a worshipper of God in their own personal life
      in a way that reflects through a humble spirit.
8.      Have a high degree of competency in singing and a musical instrument (preferably guitar).

1.      A mature, growing follower of Jesus with a clear understanding of the Gospel, along with the ability to clearly communicate it.
2.      Have a proven track record of experience in building and leading a worship ministry.
3.      Have previous experience with leading small groups and training people to lead small groups.
4.      Committed to spiritual integrity and artistic excellence.
5.      Committed to the community of GBC.
6.      Committed to ever learning. Have at least a master’s degree in theological training.
7.      Hold to the view that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God.
8.      Have a sovereign grace view of salvation.
9.      In agreement with GBC’s doctrine, mission, and values.

  This is a full-time position (40+ hours a week with benefits package). Salary is established by qualifications and experience.

  This position will start with 3 weeks yearly vacation with the addition of a 4th week after 5 years of ministry service (retroactive).

Information About the Church: We are a church led by a plurality of male elders with a desire to see God glorified by the making of disciples who love Jesus.

We are sold out to proclaiming the gospel as it is presented to us in the Scriptures and have a sovereign grace view of salvation.

We are not seeker driven but committed to disciple making as a church. Our worship style is a more contemporary style but we have been clearly influenced by Sovereign Grace music.

We have just recently taken on a strategic plan in disciple making to make small groups our primary vehicle for this calling. We have been a church with small groups but are moving to a church of small groups.

Our Lead Pastor has been greatly influenced by the ministry of John Piper.

Application/Contact Information: Lead Pastor Ray Russell at


Click HERE to view church location on the Job Map.