West Chester, PA 19382
Job Title: Associate Pastor/Director of Student Ministries
Job Description:
The Associate Pastor / Director of Student Ministries is a member of the professional staff of the church and the position is a full-time position. This person is responsible to plan, organize and administer a high school and middle school youth ministry that is fully integrated within the congregational life of the church. Leading the volunteer youth ministry staff, this individual will develop a student ministry which incorporates a healthy blend and balance of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission that is distinct and at the same time fully integrated with the doctrinal beliefs and multigenerational life, vision and ministry of Goshen Baptist Church.
Accountability to the church is through the Church Elders and Deacons and is implemented under the direction of the Senior Pastor. This position reports directly to the Senior Pastor.
Spiritual Prerequisites
The Youth Pastor / Director of Student Ministries must have strong, deeply rooted doctrinal beliefs and ministry values that are consistent with those of Goshen Baptist Church as stated in the Church Covenant, Confession of Faith, and Philosophy of Worship. Specifically, this individual must believe the following points of doctrine (which serve to summarize the content of the GBC Confession of Faith):
A. The Bible is the authoritative Word of God, inerrant in the original manuscripts.
B. The triune Godhead in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
C. The deity of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, sinless life, death, and bodily resurrection.
D. Man is a sinner by nature and choice and therefore is spiritually dead apart from Christ.
E. Salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
F. The everlasting blessing of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the unsaved.
G. Christ’s commission to the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel message.
A. Plan and direct all aspects of the high school and middle school ministries with the goal of discipling and evangelizing students within the church and in the community.
B. This position requires both regular office hours and varying amounts of time spent out of the office ministering to youth.
C. Recruit, train and supervise the volunteer leadership staff working with and teaching high school and middle school students. Serve as primary high school Sunday school teacher.
D. Foster spiritual growth through small groups within the youth ministry of GBC.
E. Organize, plan, and promote times of fellowship and activities for students and their families, such as retreats, conferences and other events, for the purpose of spiritual growth.
F. Provide timely advisories, communicate to, and involve parents of youth in the activities of the ministry, and seek to integrate new youth and parents into the body of GBC.
G. Be responsible to choose (including reviewing and recommending) the teaching curriculum for each of the student programs to ensure that it is in accord with the doctrinal beliefs of the Church.
H. Serve actively within the overall ministry of GBC including being available to assist in congregational worship.
I. Work to integrate students into congregational worship services and other areas of church life and ministries identified by the Senior Pastor and other ministry staff. Growth and expansion of ministry responsibilities available in the future.
J. Plan and organize events with other local churches and youth groups.
K. Submit a yearly statement of goals and objectives in accordance with Procedure 1040 – Performance Review of Professional Staff
L. Be responsible for involving youth with local, national, and international mission trips.
Qualifications & Skills
A. Has a clear calling from God into student ministries.
B. Has a bachelor’s degree (seminary degree preferred).
C. Relevant youth ministry experience required. Some mission experience is preferred.
D. Possesses and is able to boldly communicate a passionate and dynamic faith.
E. Has a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures and is able to clearly communicate the biblical message to others in a variety of ways and settings including the appropriate use of social media.
F. Has demonstrated administrative, team building, organizational, and professional skills.
G. Is comfortable and capable in relating to a diverse group of youth and adults.
Information about the Church: Please see our church website www.goshenbaptist.org for full information about us, our history and our statement of belief. Thank you.
Application/Contact Information: To apply, please email gbcyouthpastor@gmail.com indicating your interest in and qualifications for the position and attach your resume. Please direct all communication to the above email address. Thank you.
Website: www.goshenbaptist.org
Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.
Job Title: Associate Pastor/Director of Student Ministries
Job Description:
The Associate Pastor / Director of Student Ministries is a member of the professional staff of the church and the position is a full-time position. This person is responsible to plan, organize and administer a high school and middle school youth ministry that is fully integrated within the congregational life of the church. Leading the volunteer youth ministry staff, this individual will develop a student ministry which incorporates a healthy blend and balance of worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry, and mission that is distinct and at the same time fully integrated with the doctrinal beliefs and multigenerational life, vision and ministry of Goshen Baptist Church.
Accountability to the church is through the Church Elders and Deacons and is implemented under the direction of the Senior Pastor. This position reports directly to the Senior Pastor.
Spiritual Prerequisites
The Youth Pastor / Director of Student Ministries must have strong, deeply rooted doctrinal beliefs and ministry values that are consistent with those of Goshen Baptist Church as stated in the Church Covenant, Confession of Faith, and Philosophy of Worship. Specifically, this individual must believe the following points of doctrine (which serve to summarize the content of the GBC Confession of Faith):
A. The Bible is the authoritative Word of God, inerrant in the original manuscripts.
B. The triune Godhead in Three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
C. The deity of Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, sinless life, death, and bodily resurrection.
D. Man is a sinner by nature and choice and therefore is spiritually dead apart from Christ.
E. Salvation is by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
F. The everlasting blessing of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the unsaved.
G. Christ’s commission to the church to go into all the world and preach the gospel message.
A. Plan and direct all aspects of the high school and middle school ministries with the goal of discipling and evangelizing students within the church and in the community.
B. This position requires both regular office hours and varying amounts of time spent out of the office ministering to youth.
C. Recruit, train and supervise the volunteer leadership staff working with and teaching high school and middle school students. Serve as primary high school Sunday school teacher.
D. Foster spiritual growth through small groups within the youth ministry of GBC.
E. Organize, plan, and promote times of fellowship and activities for students and their families, such as retreats, conferences and other events, for the purpose of spiritual growth.
F. Provide timely advisories, communicate to, and involve parents of youth in the activities of the ministry, and seek to integrate new youth and parents into the body of GBC.
G. Be responsible to choose (including reviewing and recommending) the teaching curriculum for each of the student programs to ensure that it is in accord with the doctrinal beliefs of the Church.
H. Serve actively within the overall ministry of GBC including being available to assist in congregational worship.
I. Work to integrate students into congregational worship services and other areas of church life and ministries identified by the Senior Pastor and other ministry staff. Growth and expansion of ministry responsibilities available in the future.
J. Plan and organize events with other local churches and youth groups.
K. Submit a yearly statement of goals and objectives in accordance with Procedure 1040 – Performance Review of Professional Staff
L. Be responsible for involving youth with local, national, and international mission trips.
Qualifications & Skills
A. Has a clear calling from God into student ministries.
B. Has a bachelor’s degree (seminary degree preferred).
C. Relevant youth ministry experience required. Some mission experience is preferred.
D. Possesses and is able to boldly communicate a passionate and dynamic faith.
E. Has a comprehensive understanding of the Scriptures and is able to clearly communicate the biblical message to others in a variety of ways and settings including the appropriate use of social media.
F. Has demonstrated administrative, team building, organizational, and professional skills.
G. Is comfortable and capable in relating to a diverse group of youth and adults.
Information about the Church: Please see our church website www.goshenbaptist.org for full information about us, our history and our statement of belief. Thank you.
Application/Contact Information: To apply, please email gbcyouthpastor@gmail.com indicating your interest in and qualifications for the position and attach your resume. Please direct all communication to the above email address. Thank you.
Website: www.goshenbaptist.org
Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.