Honolulu, HI 96817
Job Title: Senior Pastor
Job Description: Senior Pastor
Information about the Church: NUUANU BAPTIST (NBC), a Southern Baptist church in the Nuuanu area since 1943, is seeking a permanent pastor. The Pastor Search Committee is now accepting resumes from qualified candidates. All applicants must adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message as well as NBC's constitution and by-laws. If you know anyone who feels God's call to serve Him here at Nuuanu, we would appreciate your encouraging him to send a resume with cover letter to:
Nu'uanu Baptist Church
2010 Nu'uanu Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96817
The Pastor Search Committee will be accepting resumes until January 15, 2014.
Application/Contact Information: nuuanu@hawaii.rr.com
Website: nuuanubaptist.com
Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.
Job Title: Senior Pastor
Job Description: Senior Pastor
Information about the Church: NUUANU BAPTIST (NBC), a Southern Baptist church in the Nuuanu area since 1943, is seeking a permanent pastor. The Pastor Search Committee is now accepting resumes from qualified candidates. All applicants must adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message as well as NBC's constitution and by-laws. If you know anyone who feels God's call to serve Him here at Nuuanu, we would appreciate your encouraging him to send a resume with cover letter to:
Nu'uanu Baptist Church
2010 Nu'uanu Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96817
The Pastor Search Committee will be accepting resumes until January 15, 2014.
Application/Contact Information: nuuanu@hawaii.rr.com
Website: nuuanubaptist.com
Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.