Friday, October 25, 2013

Senior Pastor, Honolulu, HI

Honolulu, HI 96817
Job Title: Senior Pastor

Job Description: Senior Pastor

Information about the Church: NUUANU BAPTIST (NBC), a Southern Baptist church in the Nuuanu area since 1943, is seeking a permanent pastor. The Pastor Search Committee is now accepting resumes from qualified candidates. All applicants must adhere to the Baptist Faith and Message as well as NBC's constitution and by-laws. If you know anyone who feels God's call to serve Him here at Nuuanu, we would appreciate your encouraging him to send a resume with cover letter to:

Nu'uanu Baptist Church
2010 Nu'uanu Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96817

The Pastor Search Committee will be accepting resumes until January 15, 2014.


Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map.