Showing posts with label workers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workers. Show all posts

Friday, February 25, 2011

I’LL BE THERE with Wisconsin and working people everywhere!

Now more than ever we need to stand together for the right to a decent standard of living, a strong voice at work, and to fight for secure family-wage jobs in the face of corporate backed attacks on working people in Wisconsin and beyond!
For over 25 years, Jobs with Justice has mobilized tens of thousands to take direct militant actions for workers and communities across the country.  We have done this through a simple JwJ Pledge that “during the next year, I’LL BE THERE at least five times for someone else’s fight, as well as my own.  If enough of us are there, we’ll all start winning.”   
CEO and corporations have millions of dollars to put out lies, elect anti-worker puppets, and try to buy our democracy!  We will need millions of people to fight back and defend the fundamental human rights of all workers to organize and bargain collectively, and to preserve the right to form unions without intimidation.
Join the fight and take the Jobs with Justice I’LL BE THERE Pledge!
Check out on-going action updates here and help spread the word! On Twitter? Hashtag #jwj with tweets of actions!