Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Friday, July 19, 2013

BIM Coordinator - FLAD Architects - Madison Wisconsin

Flad Architects has immediate opportunities for BIM Coordinators to join their Madison office.

  • Provide BIM production support for project teams, including project model setup, file export and deliverables.
  • Work with the Project Manager and Project Architect in producing a project‐based BIM implementation plan.
  • Ensure that BIM models adhere to all internal and client specific standards.
  • Perform periodic QA/QC audits of project files to ensure compliance with the agreed upon strategy, standards and work processes.
  • Conduct BIM training for new employees and ongoing CE sessions.
  • Participate in the BIM Committee for the purpose of knowledge sharing, best practices and lessons learned.
  • Identify, evaluate, and implement productivity gains possible through the use of customization, scripting, and other automation technologies.
  • Degree in architecture or related field required.
  • Must have two or more years production experience in design, drafting, or engineering.
  • Must have two or more years experience in Revit with intermediate Revit knowledge.
  • Revit document production experience and skills required.
  • In-depth working knowledge of current BIM versions with emphasis on project sheet set up.
If you are interested in joining their team, please VISIT their SITE or APPLY ONLINE HERE.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wisconsin: The Implications

originally published in the Colorado Labor Advocate

Wisconsin public sector unions face a sobering truth after nine weeks of over 100,000 activists in the streets --- no contracts.

Wisconsin Republicans with the leadership of Governor Scott Walker railroaded through the “budget repair” bill on March 9, which will strip many public sector unions of almost all of their collective bargaining rights.  Although it is currently tied up in the legal process many expect the bill to eventually take effect.

This may seem like a statement we should be depressed about, but it is not.  It is a statement we should be proud of.  Out of the nine week struggle came forth a realization that all of us, together, must fight back.  Out of the nine week struggle rose up unprecedented solidarity across the country speaking out loud enough that a sleeping giant awoke---the labor movement.

The implications of what has already taken place in Wisconsin are now being felt across the country. Governors are using the budget crisis to justify cutting resources to public programs and blaming teachers, firefighters, and nurses who exercise their right to collectively speak together to advocate for safety and economic democracy as the problem.  Why? Politicians receive financial contributions from the same individuals and corporations that are not contributing to the community by paying their fair share in taxes.

Dennis Kucinich, U.S. representative from Ohio, stated it best at a rally in Wisconsin:
This attack on our workers, this attack in Washington on working people that results in wealth being accelerated to the top, that results in tax cuts going to the rich, that results in energy policy turned over to the oil companies, that results in defense policy turned over to the arms manufacturers, that results in endless war, that results in the National security State, it's all a part of the same thing, and it's up to us to FIGHT BACK!
So now working people are being asked to bear the budget on their backs. The question is: Will we?

Friday, February 25, 2011


Rally to Save the American Dream

In Wisconsin and around our country, the American Dream is under fierce attack. Instead of creating jobs, Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and the very rich—and then cutting funding for education, police, emergency response, and vital human services.
On Saturday, February 26, at noon local time, we are organizing rallies in front of every statehouse and in every major city to stand in solidarity with the people of Wisconsin. We demand an end to the attacks on worker's rights and public services across the country. We demand investment, to create decent jobs for the millions of people who desperately want to work. And we demand that the rich and powerful pay their fair share.
We are all Wisconsin. We are all Americans.
This Saturday, we will stand together to Save the American Dream. Be sure to wear Wisconsin Badger colors—red and white—to show your solidarity. Sign up today to join in!
Already hosting or signed up for an event? We can
e-mail you a link to your tools.
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I’LL BE THERE with Wisconsin and working people everywhere!

Now more than ever we need to stand together for the right to a decent standard of living, a strong voice at work, and to fight for secure family-wage jobs in the face of corporate backed attacks on working people in Wisconsin and beyond!
For over 25 years, Jobs with Justice has mobilized tens of thousands to take direct militant actions for workers and communities across the country.  We have done this through a simple JwJ Pledge that “during the next year, I’LL BE THERE at least five times for someone else’s fight, as well as my own.  If enough of us are there, we’ll all start winning.”   
CEO and corporations have millions of dollars to put out lies, elect anti-worker puppets, and try to buy our democracy!  We will need millions of people to fight back and defend the fundamental human rights of all workers to organize and bargain collectively, and to preserve the right to form unions without intimidation.
Join the fight and take the Jobs with Justice I’LL BE THERE Pledge!
Check out on-going action updates here and help spread the word! On Twitter? Hashtag #jwj with tweets of actions!