Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label policy. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Science & Technology Policy Fellowships at AAAS

The science and engineering challenges that society faces today--locally, nationally and internationally--are far more complex than were those of 40 to 50 years ago. The problems now are more difficult to define and the solutions more difficult to identify and implement. The best available scientific, technical and economic information is required to establish priorities, make decisions, and develop best policies and practices. Yet, scientists often lack the skills and opportunity to apply their science successfully to support policy or to communicate effectively with the public and other non-academic audiences. Consequently, society's needs for the most credible and objective scientific information are not being met.

To address these challenges, The American Association for the Advancement of Science manages and administers Science & Technology Policy Fellowships in five program areas to provide the opportunity for accomplished scientists and engineers to participate in and contribute to the federal policymaking process while learning firsthand about the intersection of science and policy. The fellowships in congressional offices are funded by approximately 30 partner scientific and engineering societies. The fellowships in executive branch agencies are funded by the hosting offices.


The deadline for applications is November 1, 2013, 5:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Apply at

Applicants must hold a doctoral level degree (PhD, MD, DVM, etc.), in any of the following:
  • Social/Behavioral sciences
  • Medical/Health disciplines
  • Biological, Physical or Earth sciences
  • Computational sciences and Mathematics
  • Engineering disciplines (applicants with a master's degree and three years of experience also qualify).

All degree requirements must be completed by the application deadline.
Visit to learn more about eligibility and selection criteria.

Stipends range from approximately $74,000 to $99,000. Other benefits include health insurance, travel/training allowance and relocation allocation. For more information about benefits, visit

To learn more about the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships, visit:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

APS/AIP Science and Technology Postdoctoral Policy Fellowship at U.S. Department of Education

APS and AIP are coordinating with the Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development (OPEPD) in the Department of Education (ED) to host a Ph.D. level scientist interested in working on a variety of policy initiatives and research projects. OPEPD is responsible for the coordination and development of major policy initiatives and the Department’s annual budget request, working in close collaboration with staff across the Department, with the White House, with Congress, and with external stakeholders to craft policies that will best realize the President’s goals of closing the achievement gap and making the United States first in the world in college completion by 2020.

Fellows may be asked to:
  • Conduct research analysis and develop metrics to assess the impact of various Department initiatives, and to explore emerging Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) issues in P-12 education, higher education, career and technical/vocational/adult education, or STEM teacher preparation and support.
  • Identify and build-out new ways for the Department to deepen its impact in the STEM fields, including partnerships with other federal agencies, state and local governments and the private sector.
  • Coordinate inter-agency efforts to achieve the Department’s policy goals as defined by the Committee on STEM Education 5-year Federal Strategic Plan.
  • Develop policy priorities for newly proposed programs such as the STEM Innovation Networks.
  • Perform legislative research and attend Congressional hearings, briefings, and other events on the Department’s behalf.

Criteria for Participation
  • Hold a doctoral level degree (Ph.D.) in a field of Physics (e.g. Theoretical or Experimental Physics, Physics Education Research, Biophysics, or any of the other physical sciences represented by the AIP Member Societies) with a preference for Physics Education Research
Note: Ideally, all requirements for the degree would be completed prior to September 2013
  • Have solid scientific and technical credentials and the endorsement of three references.
  • Show a commitment to serve society.
  • Exhibit outstanding communications skills and demonstrated ability to craft policy papers, decision memos, talking points and program proposals on complex education issues for diverse audiences, including non-scientific audiences.
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and willingness to work with a wide range of individuals and offices at the Department and ability to be effective in large bureaucracies. 
  • Possess the ability to operate and execute with limited guidance and in ambiguous or novel circumstances; and ability to appropriately and effectively use informal authority when leading teams or projects.
  • Hold U.S. citizenship (dual citizenship is acceptable).
  • Federal employees are not eligible.
  • Candidates must have some familiarity with education policy and/or federal policy.

To begin the application process, send the following to Tyler Glembo at
  • Cover Letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • List of References

Screening of potential candidates will begin immediately.

Deadline for application is Sept. 20, 2013.

Employer will assist with relocation costs
Relocation will be reimbursed up to $3,000.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Executive Director at Maine STEM Council

The Maine Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Council is seeking qualified applicants for its first Executive Director (ED). Established by the State of Maine in September 2011, the STEM Council is comprised of 16 members appointed by the Governor serving two-year terms. The Council is charged with developing strategies for enhancing science, technology, engineering and mathematics education from prekindergarten through postsecondary education.

The ED reports to the STEM Council and coordinates the development of a plan or roadmap for STEM education and workforce development in Maine; the design of a dashboard of indicators for monitoring the plan; the adoption, implementation, and oversight of the plan; the support of the Council’s work; and positioning the Council to win a substantial grant to enhance a number of Maine STEM and workforce initiatives.

An ideal candidate would be an innovative, collaborative leader with strong management skills deeply experienced in STEM education and workforce issues; skillful in building close working relationships with STEM leaders and partner organizations; committed to reaching the STEM Council’s goals; and comfortable leading a major proposal writing process. Recognizing that candidates are unlikely to have every indicated credential, experience, and skill, we seek candidates who have all or most of the following professional experiences and personal qualities:

Expected Qualifications: MA/MS in educational leadership, learning science, a STEM field, or a related discipline; experience leading an educational group or organization, and familiarity with national STEM education and workforce policy and statewide initiatives in Maine.

Preferred Qualifications: Ed.D. or Ph.D. in above fields; significant background in STEM education and workforce development as a faculty member or administrator at a college/university, a nonprofit organization, or a government agency; experience conducting staff development work with teachers or informal STEM educators; and experience in the grant process.

A review of applicants will begin on September 1, 2013. Salary will reflect candidate qualifications and available funds. The position will initially be part-time (between 4 and twenty hours per week) and located at a partner, non-profit organization in the Augusta, Maine area.

Inquiries, referrals, and resumes should be sent (electronic submission encouraged), in confidence, to:  Laurie Larsen at  Candidates should submit a letter of interest, CV or resume, plus names and contact information for three references. References will be contacted only for finalists and with permission of the applicant.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Postdoc at U.S. Department of Education

Science and Technology Postdoctoral Policy Fellowship
U.S. Department of Education
Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development
Fall 2013 or January 2014

The Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development (OPEPD) is considering a fellowship position for a Ph.D. level scientist interested in working in the office of the Assistant Secretary to assist in a variety of policy initiatives, research projects, and administrative duties. OPEPD is responsible for the coordination and development of major policy initiatives and the Department’s annual budget request, working in close collaboration with staff across the Department, with the White House, with Congress, and with external stakeholders to craft policies that will best realize the President’s goals of closing the achievement gap and making the United States first in the world in college completion by 2020.

Fellows may be asked to:
Conduct research and analyze various topics related to Department programs, including issues around early education, K-12 education, higher education, career and technical/vocational/adult education, education reform initiatives, etc.
Create parameters for the implementation of proposed programs such as the STEM Master Teacher Corps and the STEM Innovation Networks
Execute analyses related to the President's annual Budget Request for the Department, Congressional action on appropriations affecting education, State and local education allocations, and other relevant budgetary issues.
Perform legislative research and attend Congressional hearings, briefings, and other events.
Support staff with long-term policy projects, as assigned.
Create talking points related to relevant policy documents, as assigned
Attend and present at meetings
Criteria for Participation
Hold a doctoral level degree (Ph.D.) in a field of Physics (e.g. Theoretical or Experimental Physics, Physics Education Research, Biophysics, etc.).
Note: Ideally, all requirements for the degree would be completed prior to September 2013
Have solid scientific and technical credentials and the endorsement of three references.
Show a commitment to serve society.
Exhibit excellent communications skills, both verbally and in writing, and the ability to engage with non-scientific audiences.
Hold U.S. citizenship (dual citizenship is acceptable).
Federal employees are not eligible.
Candidates should preferably have some familiarity with education and/or federal policy.
To begin the application process, send the following to Tyler Glembo at
Cover Letter
Curriculum Vitae
List of References
Screening of potential candidates will begin immediately

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Science and Technology Postdoctoral Policy Fellowship with US Dep of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation, and Policy Development

Editor's note: sorry for the low quality of the picture. If you are at the AAPT/PERC these days (and you probably should), you should be able to take pictures of better quality.