Showing posts with label jobseacrh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobseacrh. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Top 100 Websites for Your American / German Career

100? Seriously? You wish. This is a small niche.

Even with the economy between the U.S. and Canada on one side and Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the other going strong, you will have a hard time even finding 20 websites that offer valuable tips and tools for your job search or career in business between North America and German-speaking countries in Western Europe.

Okay, I admit  it - I've borrowed the headline for this post from Forbes, which just presented its readers' recommendations for "The Top 100 Websites for Your Career."

Check it out. If you are looking for online resources - not just "job boards" - to advance your career in the US., you'll find tons of very solid tips on the websites Forbes has listed. On a few of the recommended sites you will even find useful tips for your career as a U.S, citizen in German-speaking Europe.

That's all nice and fine. But what about the top websites specifically for your career between the US and Germany?
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