New Jersey United Christian Academy
73 Holmes Mill Rd
Cream Ridge, NJ 08514
Job Title: Student Life Coordinator: Shepherding Students
Job Description: Required Skills
- Proficient in Bible teaching and preaching
- Able and willing to offer Biblical counsel to students
- Organized, able to administrate all-school events and trips
- Personable, able to build relationships with parents and local pastors
Specific Duties
The Student Life Coordinator is to shepherd students through the power of the Gospel, by being responsible to
- Schedule and oversee weekly all-school chapels
- Teach 3 Bible classes and/or electives
- Oversee and mentor school’s SWAT team extracurricular ministry group
- Collaborate with Student Government Advisor
- Schedule yearly overseas and home missions trips
- Administrate biannual school retreats
- Collaborate with dorm church and pastor to minister to dorm students
- Befriend and coordinate with local youth pastors.
- Be available to assist administration where needed
- Must be in full agreement with NJUCA’s statement of faith (available upon request)
- Ideal candidate would start no later than August 19th, 2013
- Estimated Salary $30,000 - $35,000
- Will be accepting resume’s until July 15th
Information about the Organization: New Jersey United Christian Academy is a non-denominational Christian international boarding school located in Cream Ridge, New Jersey. We are currently looking for someone to coordinate our student life activities. We seek a man who is called to bring the Gospel to students from South Korea, China, Vietnam, Canada, and right here in New Jersey. He must be burdened for the lost, but also desire to see young believers grow and mature under Gospel-centered teaching and ministry involvement.
Application/Contact Information: Please submit a resume and cover letter to:
Mr. Bob Pupchik
73 Holmes Mill Rd.
Cream Ridge NJ, 08514
Organization Website:
Click HERE to view the academy's location on the Job Map.
Job Title: Student Life Coordinator: Shepherding Students
Job Description: Required Skills
- Proficient in Bible teaching and preaching
- Able and willing to offer Biblical counsel to students
- Organized, able to administrate all-school events and trips
- Personable, able to build relationships with parents and local pastors
Specific Duties
The Student Life Coordinator is to shepherd students through the power of the Gospel, by being responsible to
- Schedule and oversee weekly all-school chapels
- Teach 3 Bible classes and/or electives
- Oversee and mentor school’s SWAT team extracurricular ministry group
- Collaborate with Student Government Advisor
- Schedule yearly overseas and home missions trips
- Administrate biannual school retreats
- Collaborate with dorm church and pastor to minister to dorm students
- Befriend and coordinate with local youth pastors.
- Be available to assist administration where needed
- Must be in full agreement with NJUCA’s statement of faith (available upon request)
- Ideal candidate would start no later than August 19th, 2013
- Estimated Salary $30,000 - $35,000
- Will be accepting resume’s until July 15th
Information about the Organization: New Jersey United Christian Academy is a non-denominational Christian international boarding school located in Cream Ridge, New Jersey. We are currently looking for someone to coordinate our student life activities. We seek a man who is called to bring the Gospel to students from South Korea, China, Vietnam, Canada, and right here in New Jersey. He must be burdened for the lost, but also desire to see young believers grow and mature under Gospel-centered teaching and ministry involvement.
Application/Contact Information: Please submit a resume and cover letter to:
Mr. Bob Pupchik
73 Holmes Mill Rd.
Cream Ridge NJ, 08514
Organization Website:
Click HERE to view the academy's location on the Job Map.