Agape Christi Academy
9957 Valley View Road
Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Job Title: Classical Christian School Teacher
Job Description: Agape Christi Academy in Eden Prairie, MN seeks a full-time grammar school teacher for Fall 2013. Applicants must be committed to classical and Christian education and subscribe wholeheartedly to our Statement of Faith. The ideal candidate would have a bachelor’s degree and experience in teaching grammar school (grades 3-6) using classical methodology and content from a Christian worldview. Teachers without classical Christian experience may also be considered if they love God, love children, love learning, and demonstrate a willingness to learn and embrace the classical approach founded upon the word of God.
Information about the Organization: Agape Christi Academy exists as an extension of Christian families in the biblical command to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. The love of Christ compels us to teach God’s truth with intentionality, bridling the power of knowledge with humility and discipline in light of Christ’s total authority. To that end, our school provides a distinctively Christian education, employing challenging classical methodology and content. We work in concert with parents and the church to cultivate joyful young people whose lives reflect the truth in love. Our aim is that students live faithful Christian lives, equipped to lead and transform culture through the gospel to the glory of God.
Application/Contact Information: To start the application process please send a cover letter and resume to
Inquiries: Dave Johnson @ 612-618-8392
Organization Website:
Click HERE to view the academy's location on the Job Map.