Friday, August 5, 2011

Discover Your Dream Job

How To Discover What It Is

Do you want to discover what your dream job is? Curious to know if there is a job out there that you would both love and be great at? Wondering if such a thing as a dream job exists?
If so, you are not alone. Many people talk about dream jobs as if they grew on trees ... but few people have discovered what their's is ... and even fewer have managed to land their dream job. Most of us wish we could just read the Want Ads one day and see the perfect job for us right in front of us.

A Fish Tale

Most seem to feel their dream job is like "The Big One" that got away ... it makes a nice story, but few people think it is a true story. So, if your dream job was lurking in the shadows, do you know how to angle and get a hold of it ... so you can take a closer look at what it really is?
You, like most people, would probably say you have no clue what your dream job is other than a few vague ideas. You probably already know when a job is not your dream job by how a dream job should feel. And you can tell when someone is doing theirs by the way describe their dream job.
But what your dream job is may remain a mystery until you go hunting for it ... in the depths of what you truly love to do. Because a dream job at its heart lets you follow your bliss everyday on the job.

Questions to Reveal Your Dream Job

All the answers do lie inside of you, waiting for the right questions to lure them out. And here are a few for you ...


Follow YOur BLiss Ingredient: People You Love .... Tribal face (Buckwheat)     Who do you want to work with & for?

If you surround yourself at work with the people you love to be around ... and turn them into your clients, customers co-workers and bosses ... you will love the people you work with and for.

Experiences You Love .... A Fool's Bag Chalk full of experiences
 What do you want to Experience?

Your resume is going to be filled with your work experience ... so what do you want that to be? What kinds of events, situations, circumstances and sensations do you want to be paid to experience?


Places You Love .... Perfect Reflection of Morning Light on Sea Coast              Where do you want to work?

You have to work somewhere, so where do you love to be? What places, locations and work environments do you love? Where are you most inspired, your best self, working at your optimum?

Follow YOur BLiss Ingredient: Problems, Isues & Needs You Love .... Personal Flying Cloak Balloon
What problems do you want to work on?

You are paid at work to solve problemschampion issuesand meet customer needs. So what do you want to fill workday with? What kinds of tasks or problems do you love to tackle or solve? What issues add meaning and purpose to your life and create work you deeply care about?                           


Follow YOur BLiss Ingredient: Activities You Love .... Cosmic Wallet (hidden my pitcherS)

Every job has tasks, assignments, projects ... basically things you must do in order to get paid. So what kinds of things do you love to do? What would you love to get paid well to do all day?

On the job, you get to work with tools, raw materials, equipment ... and other physical things. So why not get paid to be around and work with the things you love?
So what things do you love to handle, fix, use and work with? What objects make you feel good, inspire you and delight you?


Follow YOur BLiss Ingredient: Ideas & Knowledge You Love .... Indra's Net Treasure

The work you do requires you to think about and meet goals or performance objectives. So what do you love to think about, mull over and muse about? What do you want to be paid to learn and know about? What do you want to be the subjects that fill your conversations at work?


On the job, you are expected to excel at what you do in order to be well paid. So what are you great at? What areyour natural Gifts & Talents? What would you love to be paid to learn how to do well? What do you want to be trained to excel at?

If you take the time to quiz yourself and learn the answers to these questions, you can describe your dream job in detail ... just like these examples show ...