Showing posts with label elementary-ed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label elementary-ed. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Project Coordinator at University of Maine

Project Coordinator for the Maine Elementary Sciences Partnership
Maine Center for Research in STEM Education
The University of Maine
Orono, Maine†

The Maine Center for Research in STEM Education (RiSE) at the University of Maine invites applications for the position of Project Coordinator the Maine Elementary Sciences Partnership, an innovative $1.7 million partnership funded by the Maine Department of Education to create an infrastructure for rural elementary science education.† The Maine Elementary Sciences Partnership (MaineESP) brings together University of Maine STEM and Education faculty, staff and students, over 20 Maine school districts, and Maine non-profits to strengthen the teaching and learning of sciences in the elementary grades.† More information about the Maine Elementary Sciences Partnership can be found at

Responsibilities of the Project Coordinator will include the direction of all aspects of the day-to-day operations of this initiative, such as planning, implementing and documenting project activities; creating and circulating on-line and published communications and reports; managing the project website; managing timelines and schedules to ensure project goals and requirements are met on time; providing† structure and assistance in strategic planning, implementing† and documenting data collection and research; collaborating with project staff and leadership; and supervising undergraduate and graduate students.

The successful applicant must hold a BS or BA in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) discipline or in STEM education, or equivalent, and have previous successful experience coordinating professional development and managing a complex, multifaceted project.† Demonstrated effectiveness as a science teacher in the elementary, middle or high school grades and evidence of in-depth understanding of sciences concepts taught in standards-based elementary grades is also required.†† Exceptionally strong organizational abilities and written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills are essential. Preference will be given to those who are familiar with discipline-based education research and guided inquiry instruction in science.

This full-time professional position is contingent on continued funding and successful job performance This job is performed primarily in an office setting. Expectations are for a normal 40-hour work week, although the Project Coordinator will be expected to attend evening or weekend meetings and events.† The job responsibilities are fairly predictable, although there might be some situations or deadlines that require working outside of the normal workday. †A link to the full job description can be found at

To apply, please submit electronically a letter of application and resume of educational background and professional experience, including the names and contact information of three references, to† Questions about this position should be directed to† Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until a suitable pool of applicants is found.† Appropriate background checks will be required.† All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply.
Salary Range: $45,000 ñ $48,000†
The University of Maine is an Equal Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer