National Bank Ltd
Career Probationary Officer 2014

::Application Instruction:: |
1. Fill up the personal Information. (** Input email and contact properly.) |
2. Attach your recent photograph(jpg format). Before submit preview the picture. |
3. Fill up the educational information. |
4. Fill up the Banking experience (if any) and references. |
4. Fill up the Pay Order number and Issuing Bank Name correctly. Otherwise the application may be disqualify. |
5. Check the acceptable university list before apply. The authority has right to disqualify any application if it is not in the listed university.
- University of Dhaka
- IBA, University of Dhaka
- Rajshahi University
- Chittagong university
- Jahangirnagar University
- Shahjalal university of Science & Technology, Sylhet
- Khulna University
- Islamic University, Kushtia
- Jagannath University
- National University
- North South University
- East West University
- American International University, Bangladesh
- BRAC University
- Independent University, Bangladesh
- Stamford University
- ASA University
- Foreign Reputed University (Foreign Campus)
| 6. Eligible Subject List for application | - MBA
- BBA (Four years course)
- Masters with honours in Economics, English, Statistics,International Relation,Public Administration, Mathematics
- Masters with honours in Accounting, Finance, Banking, Marketing, International Business, MIS, AIS, HRM and Management
| | 7. The Candidates must be Computer Literate with operational knowledge of Windows, MS Office, MS Excel and MS Power Point and must be fluent in English. | 8. Age must not exceed 30 years as on 31.12.2013. | |
Last Dated of Submission 15 February 2014