Earlham College invites applications for a Visiting Assistant Professor position in the Department of Physics and Astronomy. This is a one-year, renewable up to three year, full-time appointment, beginning in August 2014. In addition to this position, the department has three FTEs with active research programs in computational biophysics, laser atomic and optical science, and astrophysics. Earlham's resources include modern laboratories in addition to multiple local computational clusters.
Primary Duties & Responsibilities
The Physics and Astronomy Department seeks an individual who is first and foremost excited about teaching -- in lecture and laboratory -- to bright and motivated undergraduates at a nationally selective small liberal arts college. Responsibilities include contributing to both introductory and advanced courses, as well as upper-level courses in the applicant's area of specialty. While research is not required, some resources are available, especially for research involving undergraduates.
Experience & Qualifications
Preference will go to applicants who have completed (or are presently finalizing a dissertation for) a Ph.D. in Physics or a closely related field; teaching or post-doctoral experience is desirable. Earlham holds excellence in teaching as its most important criterion, so the search committee will be looking for evidence of a strong interest in teaching at the undergraduate level.
Application Instructions
Review of applications will begin on February 3rd, 2014. The search will continue until the position is filled.
Candidates should send applications as a single PDF including: cover letter that addresses your interests, qualifications and experience; curriculum vitae; statement of teaching philosophy; a statement of research interests; undergraduate and graduate transcripts. Three letters of recommendation, also in PDF format, should be sent separately. Materials should be sent to:
Bobbi Cayard-Roberts, Physics and Astronomy administrative assistant, at