Saturday, October 26, 2013

Safety and Security Officer

Employer: GOAL , South Sudan

Applications opened: 21 Oct 2013 | Close: 07

Nov 2013

General Description of the Programme:

GOAL has been working in Sudan since 1985,

originally in government controlled areas of

Sudan, but from the early 1990s expanding into

areas of southern Sudan controlled by the SPLA.

GOAL South Sudan currently operates

programme in Twic County in Warrap State,

Agok/Abyei, and Maban, Ulang and Baliet counties

in Upper Nile State.

Overall Objectives of the position:

The SSO role has three primary objectives

To inform senior management in the field and

Juba on safety and security related issues and

ensure that they are kept informed of all security

developments and are in a position to take

appropriate action when required;

To ensure that appropriate systems and

procedures are in place to maximize the safety

and security of all GOAL staff and that these

systems and procedures are adhered to at all


To work with programme managers at all levels to

ensure that safety and security is mainstreamed

into all areas of operations.

Reporting Lines: The position holder will report

to the Country Director

Key Duties:

Security documentation

Produce weekly security reports for the Country

SMT that review any incidents in GOAL sites,

summarize relevant external sitreps, and analyze

social/political/economic information from media

sources that may impact the operation of GOAL's

programmes in South Sudan;

Ensure that all incidents are reported, analysed

and actions taken where necessary. Implement

incident tracking system;

Ensure that the Country and Field Safety Security

and Evacuation Plans (SSEP) are reviewed and

updated on a regular basis.;

Ensure that all Standard Operating Procedures

(SOPs) relating to safety and security are

reviewed and updated on a regular basis;

With the Country SMT, develop contingency

plans, ensuring that staff understand their roles

in an emergency and that GOAL has the

resources to carry out the contingency plans;

Provide all staff with Constant Companion Cards,

ensuring that the contact information on the card

is up to date.

Ensure that all GOAL staff have valid GOAL

Identification and that staff leaving GOAL hand in

their ID as part of the clearance process;

Maintain an Emergency Contact database with up

to date information for all staff;

Ensure that security information is accessible on

the share drive.

Health and Safety

With the appropriate health staff, ensure that all

offices and GOAL accommodation have fully

stocked, up-to-date First Aid and PEP kits;

Ensure that appropriate fire safety equipment is

in place in offices, compounds and vehicles.

Ensure that staff are aware of what to do in the

event of a fire;

Liaise with transport manager to ensure that all

vehicles have the necessary safety and security


Ensure that hibernation kits are present in all

compounds and review contents on a regular

basis to ensure that nothing has expired;

Develop security phone trees and maintain the

GOAL warden system;

Update the security induction materials on a

regular basis and provide inductions to all new


Ensure that drivers and guards receive

appropriate training to carry out their duties in a

manner that keeps GOAL employees safe and


Identify trainings that are appropriate to the

needs of GOAL staff and maintain a database of

security trainings undertaken by individual GOAL

staff. These trainings include, but are not limited

to, personal safety, first aid, mine risk education,

and security management;

Train staff on various means of communication,

including the use of radios and satellite phones.


Attend security coordination meetings and report

back to the SMT on relevant information;

Develop contacts amongst UN, NGOs,

government and embassies and share security

information with them on a regular basis.


Carry out bi-annual threat assessments at the

country level and in each of the field sites;

Assess communication equipment In each field

site to ensure that it is adequate, in working

order, kept in accessible and secure locations and

that staff are trained on the various forms of

comms available to them;

Visit field sites on a quarterly basis and provide

assistance as per TOR agreed with Area

Coordinator and Country Director; provide

detailed field report at the end of each trip;

Carry out assessment reports for all GOAL offices

and compounds and advise SMT on vulnerabilities

and propose solutions.



At least 1 years experience working with INGOs in

a security management position and/or field

coordinator position with security management


Formal training in security management;

Ability to work and network with a multicultural


Ability to work under pressure to pursue multiple

tasks simultaneously to successful conclusions;

Understanding and acceptance of the varying

standards required and the problems inherent

within the context of work in a developing


Strong computer skills in Microsoft packages,

including Excel, Word, and Outlook (particular

emphasis on Excel);

Excellent report writing skills;

Committed team player.


Ability to speak Arabic.

This Job Description only serves as a guide for the

position available. GOAL reserves the right to

change this document.

How to apply: