Reed College invites application for a tenure-track position in Physics, at the Assistant Professor level, to begin August, 2014. PhD required, postdoctoral and teaching experience preferred. Appointment is open to strong candidates of any research focus. We seek a physicist with the promise of outstanding teaching in classroom and laboratory settings, comfortable with any of the required courses in the Reed physics major curriculum, and excited to closely supervise senior thesis research projects. The successful candidate will establish a nationally recognized research program that is accessible to undergraduates.
Reed College is a small, distinguished undergraduate institution with a strong liberal arts curriculum and long tradition of academic excellence. The Physics Department consists of six regular faculty members in a broad range of fields. For further information about the Reed Physics Department, see our web page ( Reed College is a community that believes that cultural diversity is essential to the excellence of our academic program. In your application materials, we welcome a description of how, as a scholar, teacher, or community member, you would engage and sustain the commitment to diversity and inclusion articulated in Reed College's diversity statement (
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a description of research plans (including proposed senior thesis projects), a statement of teaching experience and plans, and three letters of recommendations to Prof. Lucas Illing, Chair, Physics Search Committee at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but they should be received by November 1, 2013 to guarantee full consideration. An Equal Opportunity Employer, Reed values diversity and encourages applications from underrepresented groups.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a description of research plans (including proposed senior thesis projects), a statement of teaching experience and plans, and three letters of recommendations to Prof. Lucas Illing, Chair, Physics Search Committee at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but they should be received by November 1, 2013 to guarantee full consideration. An Equal Opportunity Employer, Reed values diversity and encourages applications from underrepresented groups.