First Baptist Church of Doylestown
Job Title: Youth/Young Adult Pastor
Job Description:
311 West State Street
Doylestown, PA 18901
Doylestown, PA 18901
Job Title: Youth/Young Adult Pastor
Job Description:
* The primary role of the Youth/Young Adult Pastor is to equip the church (youth workers, parents, volunteers--and the entire church body) to do the work of youth ministry (Ephesians 4:11).
* The ideal candidate for this role will see himself primarily as a shepherd who equips others to do ministry, not to do everything, but to equip First Baptist Church of Doylestown to do this awesome task.
* This person will also be someone who can teach faithful people who can teach others
(2 Timothy 2:2).
Purpose of the Youth/Young Adult Pastor Position
* Lead Junior High and Senior High (grades 7 through 12).
* Lead Young Adults in our church and community, to Life and Growth in Jesus Christ in accordance with Matthew 28:18-20.
Focus of the Youth/Young Adult Ministry
The Youth/Young Adult Pastor should seek to focus this ministry on:
Seeking God by:
* Teaching and preaching God’s Word
* Leading times of corporate prayer
* Developing and maintaining effective worship
* Encouraging personal prayer and Bible study
Loving Others by:
* Building and maintaining unity within the ministry
* Provide a safe place to all
* Include all and exclude none
* Encourage a spirit of love and confession and reconciliation when needed
* Developing a desire for church and community service for the purpose of sharing God’s love with others
* Providing assistance and opportunities for the Youth/Young Adults to find and use their spiritual gifts and talents to the glory of God
Sharing Jesus by:
* Providing encouragement and instruction on sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
* Developing a desire in the Youth/Young Adults to share their faith
* Organizing group activities specifically aimed at sharing the Gospel with others
Defining Characteristics of the Youth/Young Adult Ministry
The Youth/Young Adult Pastor should seek to define this ministry according to the following characteristics:
* Incurably Local by developing a ministry that the youth of Doylestown look to first when they are in need, especially the students and administration of Central Bucks High School West and Lenape Middle School.
* Culturally Relevant by showing compassion and humility to meet people precisely where they are; by communicating the gospel to them; by humbly accommodating them so as to earn a place to communicate Christ crucified to people in their current circumstances; and by not requiring people to accommodate to us (I Cor 9:22-23).
* Intergenerational by:
-Equipping and including permanent and activity-focused volunteer staff from a variety of older generations.
-Encouraging and equipping those from older generations so that they can participate in 1x1or 2x1 discipling relationships with the Youth/Young Adults.
-Organizing service activities for the Youth/Young Adults to assist older generations from the church and the Doylestown community.
* Qualified as an elder as delineated in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
* The person who fills this position will join the First Baptist Church of Doylestown’s team of elders who are responsible for shepherding the entire church. The uniqueness of this role is that he will have direct oversight of the youth and young adult population.
The person who fills this position must have:
* A Masters of Divinity degree.
* Sound knowledge of the Bible, theology, and doctrine and with the ability to communicate biblical truths to youth/young adults.
* An understanding of the psychological, emotional, social and spiritual development of youth and young adults from as young as grade 7.
* Basic counseling and conflict resolution skills and experience.
* A willingness to make a multi-year commitment to our church because continuity for our youth and young adults is highly valued.
* Previous experience working with youth, whether this was gained as a volunteer/intern while in college or as a part-time job or as a full-time ministry leader.
* The ability to train, equip and care for the volunteer workers and hold regular meetings for communication and relationship building; recruit and train new volunteers; teach and enforce church policies.
* The ability to lead, participate in, oversee, plan and coordinate logistics with assistance from volunteers for weekly meetings, mid-week study groups, Sunday school, mission trips, retreats, other outings and worship services.
* As a member of the pastoral staff, the desire to be a person known by and available to all members of the church.
* Strong communication skills, both written and spoken, and the ability to connect with not only the youth/young adults but also with the parents and church leadership.
Information about the Church: Purpose: Leading People to Life and Growth in Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20)
For more information visit us at:
Application/Contact Information: Full description available at
If interested, please submit the following items to
* Cover Letter
* Resume
* Philosophy of Ministry
* Doctrinal Statement
Due to the volume of responses, submissions of over five (5) pages in length WILL NOT be considered.
Church Website:
Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map
* The ideal candidate for this role will see himself primarily as a shepherd who equips others to do ministry, not to do everything, but to equip First Baptist Church of Doylestown to do this awesome task.
* This person will also be someone who can teach faithful people who can teach others
(2 Timothy 2:2).
Purpose of the Youth/Young Adult Pastor Position
* Lead Junior High and Senior High (grades 7 through 12).
* Lead Young Adults in our church and community, to Life and Growth in Jesus Christ in accordance with Matthew 28:18-20.
Focus of the Youth/Young Adult Ministry
The Youth/Young Adult Pastor should seek to focus this ministry on:
Seeking God by:
* Teaching and preaching God’s Word
* Leading times of corporate prayer
* Developing and maintaining effective worship
* Encouraging personal prayer and Bible study
Loving Others by:
* Building and maintaining unity within the ministry
* Provide a safe place to all
* Include all and exclude none
* Encourage a spirit of love and confession and reconciliation when needed
* Developing a desire for church and community service for the purpose of sharing God’s love with others
* Providing assistance and opportunities for the Youth/Young Adults to find and use their spiritual gifts and talents to the glory of God
Sharing Jesus by:
* Providing encouragement and instruction on sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ
* Developing a desire in the Youth/Young Adults to share their faith
* Organizing group activities specifically aimed at sharing the Gospel with others
Defining Characteristics of the Youth/Young Adult Ministry
The Youth/Young Adult Pastor should seek to define this ministry according to the following characteristics:
* Incurably Local by developing a ministry that the youth of Doylestown look to first when they are in need, especially the students and administration of Central Bucks High School West and Lenape Middle School.
* Culturally Relevant by showing compassion and humility to meet people precisely where they are; by communicating the gospel to them; by humbly accommodating them so as to earn a place to communicate Christ crucified to people in their current circumstances; and by not requiring people to accommodate to us (I Cor 9:22-23).
* Intergenerational by:
-Equipping and including permanent and activity-focused volunteer staff from a variety of older generations.
-Encouraging and equipping those from older generations so that they can participate in 1x1or 2x1 discipling relationships with the Youth/Young Adults.
-Organizing service activities for the Youth/Young Adults to assist older generations from the church and the Doylestown community.
* Qualified as an elder as delineated in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
* The person who fills this position will join the First Baptist Church of Doylestown’s team of elders who are responsible for shepherding the entire church. The uniqueness of this role is that he will have direct oversight of the youth and young adult population.
The person who fills this position must have:
* A Masters of Divinity degree.
* Sound knowledge of the Bible, theology, and doctrine and with the ability to communicate biblical truths to youth/young adults.
* An understanding of the psychological, emotional, social and spiritual development of youth and young adults from as young as grade 7.
* Basic counseling and conflict resolution skills and experience.
* A willingness to make a multi-year commitment to our church because continuity for our youth and young adults is highly valued.
* Previous experience working with youth, whether this was gained as a volunteer/intern while in college or as a part-time job or as a full-time ministry leader.
* The ability to train, equip and care for the volunteer workers and hold regular meetings for communication and relationship building; recruit and train new volunteers; teach and enforce church policies.
* The ability to lead, participate in, oversee, plan and coordinate logistics with assistance from volunteers for weekly meetings, mid-week study groups, Sunday school, mission trips, retreats, other outings and worship services.
* As a member of the pastoral staff, the desire to be a person known by and available to all members of the church.
* Strong communication skills, both written and spoken, and the ability to connect with not only the youth/young adults but also with the parents and church leadership.
Information about the Church: Purpose: Leading People to Life and Growth in Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20)
For more information visit us at:
Application/Contact Information: Full description available at
If interested, please submit the following items to
* Cover Letter
* Resume
* Philosophy of Ministry
* Doctrinal Statement
Due to the volume of responses, submissions of over five (5) pages in length WILL NOT be considered.
Church Website:
Click HERE to view the church's location on the Job Map