Employer: Aarhus University
Closing date: 17 Jun 2013
The Department of Culture and Society at the Faculty of Arts, Aarhus University invites applications for an assistant professorship in Human Security.
The assistant professorship is a three-year fixed-term, full-time position, beginning on 1 October 2013 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The position
We are particularly interested in a candidate with documented knowledge and research experience with topics of immediate relevance to the Human Security approach. The successful candidate will together with the core teaching staff of the programme be responsible for developing and teaching several interdisciplinary courses on the Master’s degree programme in Human Security. The position also entails work to strengthen the Human Security profile of the Department of Culture and Society through international research as well as through actively engaging in the further internationalisation of the study programme. We are seeking a dedicated candidate who will contribute to a broad spectrum of Aarhus University’s core activities in the areas of education and teaching. The successful candidate is expected to contribute actively to the department’s academic environment. For further information about the position, please contact Assistant Professor Michael Eilenberg, etnome@hum.au.dk, tel. +45 87162172.
Applicants must have a doctoral degree or equivalent qualifications in a field relevant to the described research area.
Applicants must also document
a background in anthropology, development studies, human geography or similar disciplines
a strong international research profile
prior experience with teaching in an international classroom
mastery of academic English in the classroom
an interest in interdisciplinary research collaboration
the ability to initiate and participate in collaborative projects with other research and teaching programmes at Aarhus University and in international contexts
an interest in or experience with applying for external research funding.
Preference will be given to applicants with prior experience in international organisations or international projects.
If the successful applicant is not fluent in Danish, he or she will be expected to learn Danish within a period of approximately two years.
The application must be submitted in English.
For more information about the application and the employment procedure, please contact HR Partner Louise Søndergaard, e-mail ls@hum.au.dk.
The Human Security programme at Aarhus University
The field of Human Security takes a multidisciplinary, holistic approach to thought and action. Human Security represents a new academic and professional paradigm which has arisen in response to a widespread acknowledgement of the fact that many seemingly irresolvable conflicts are driven by interacting factors and processes (for example social, economic and political), and that the totality of these factors and processes must be understood and addressed if long-term stability and security are to be achieved. The challenges addressed by this field are growing, not least because of environmental stresses and climate change, and conflicts throughout the world have the potential to escalate and spread. The Human Security approach is based on a realisation that addressing the underlying causes of instability, poverty and insecurity demands different insights and competencies than those offered by traditional mono-disciplinary approaches.
For a more detailed description of the programme, please see this web page.
The Department of Culture and Society
The focus of the teaching and research activities of the Department of Culture and Society is the interplay between culture and society in time and space:
from the traditional disciplines of the humanities and theology to applied social research
from antiquity to the issues facing contemporary societies
from familiar Danish cultural forms to other - and very different - worlds
from local questions to global challenges.
The department encompasses a range of strong research and degree programmes, which in dialogue with each other and with society work to develop innovative ways of addressing issues of topical or general interest. The department’s goal is to produce compelling research with international resonance and visibility, as well as to offer high-quality undergraduate and post-graduate study programmes. We also work to engage Danish society in a fruitful exchange of knowledge. We offer an informal, yet challenging working environment. Participation in the daily life of the programme is a high priority, and we emphasise the importance of good working relationships, both among colleagues and to our students.
For a more detailed description of the department, please see this web page.
Faculty of Arts
The Faculty of Arts was formed through the merger of the former main academic areas: The Faculty of Humanities, The Faculty of Theology and the Danish School of Education. Arts brings together humanistic, theological and pedagogical knowledge in order to strengthen Aarhus University in the areas of research, talent development, knowledge exchange and education.
For further information, please see this web page.
The Faculty of Humanities refers to the Ministerial Order on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Danish Universities under the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.
Appointment shall be in accordance with the collective labour agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.
Further information on qualification requirements and job content may be found in the Memorandum on Job Structure for Academic Staff at Danish Universities.
Further information on application and relevant enclosures may be found in the Guidelines for applicants for academic positions.
Teaching portfolio, degree certificate (copy), curriculum vitae, complete list of publications and verified information on previous teaching experience must be submitted with the application.
When you submit your application, please upload a maximum of five samples of your scholarly output.
All interested are urged to apply irrespective of personal background.
Aarhus University offers an inspiring education and research environment for 44,500 students and 12,000 members of staff, ensuring results of a high international standard. The budgeted turnover for 2013 amounts to DKK 6.3 billion. The university's strategy and development contract are available at www.au.dk/en.
How to apply:
Please apply online here