Physics Department Laboratory Technician Position
POSITION: The Physics Department at Eastern Illinois University seeks qualified candidates for a laboratory technician position starting in August 2013, subject to available funding. This position will be ongoing and could be permanent for the right candidate.
DATE OF APPOINTMENT: August 1st, 2013
RESPONSIBILITIES: The primary responsibility throughout the year is for setup and take down as well as maintenance and improvement of all laboratory related equipment for the Physics Department. This entails establishing the basic functionality of a wide array of science equipment, meshing schedules from all lab classes so there is no equipment usage conflict and guaranteeing that both the computer interfaced labs and the stand-alone laboratory stations are fully functional. Lecture demonstration equipment maintenance and setup are also required. Supervision of student help as well as developing a working relationship with diverse faculty is expected. Another responsibility is the management of a lab materials budget including identifying and purchasing equipment and supplies. Supervision of a well-equipped machine shop will be a part of the duties. Organization and attention to detail are critical in this position.
APPLICATION: Applicants should submit a letter of application, including a brief statement of work experience and qualifications possessed for the position, names and contact info for three references, copies of transcripts, and a resume (all of which may be submitted electronically) sent to:
Dr. Steven Daniels, Chair
Physics Department
Eastern Illinois University
600 Lincoln Avenue
Charleston, IL 61920
DEADLINE: Review of applications will begin June 25, 2013 and continue until the position is filled.
THE UNIVERSITY & DEPARTMENT: Eastern Illinois University is a comprehensive state university in a community of 20,000 in east central Illinois. Enrollment at the university is 10,000. EIU is dedicated to quality teaching in small class settings. Undergraduate physics at Eastern includes options in Physics, Applied Physics, Astronomy, Computational Physics, Engineering Physics, Radiation Physics, and Science with Teacher Certification Specialization in Physics. The Department has 8 full time faculty, approximately 70 Physics majors in the various options, and an active Pre-engineering program.
Eastern Illinois University is an equal opportunity-equal access/Affirmative Action Employer, committed to achieving a diverse community.
For more information about EIU Physics: