Normandale Community College is located in Bloomington, Minnesota and serves a student population of approximately 12,000 students annually. The college is part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
Responsibilities: The Physics Department at Normandale Community College seeks a qualified candidate to teach a broad spectrum of college Physics and Astronomy courses. Teaching assignments may include evening and weekend classes.
The successful candidate will be expected to:
· Providing quality instruction and services to students of all ages and backgrounds and diversity.
· Prepare and distribute to students course syllabi based on the approved common course outlines.
· Guide and facilitate classroom and online learning.
· Direct and assist students in laboratory.
· Establish, post, and maintain office hours for professional activities and duties, and for student conferences.
· Demonstrate knowledge of and experience in assessment of student learning outcomes.
· Participate in development and improvement of curricula and courses, and in development and improvement of instructional methods, materials, and resources.
· Evaluate and select textbooks and other instructional materials for the assigned courses.
· Assist in the development and implementation of the College's instructional and institutional goals.
· Participate in other College related programs, activities, and community services.
· Participate in faculty & department meetings, curriculum development, and college-wide committees.
· Maintain ongoing professional development activities in physics, astronomy, and pedagogy.
· Maintain an active interest and knowledge of current practices that affect the discipline and field of study.
Minimum Qualifications:
Preferred Qualifications:
· Ph.D. in physics, astrophysics, astronomy or a closely related discipline.
· Demonstrated commitment to serving a culturally, ethnically and linguistically diverse student body.
· Teaching experience in a variety of physics and astronomy courses.
· Community college experience.
· Experience teaching online and using a course management system, such as Desire 2 Learn, teaching laboratories and active learning principles.
· Experience using Vernier LoggerPro or Pasco DataStudio software, and software for Astronomy labs.
· Experience assessing curriculum and instruction.
· Demonstrate commitment to participating in campus activities, professional development, and high standards.
Date of Employment: August 20, 2014. Classes begin on August 25, 2014 through academic year.
Salary Range: Starting salary (based on education and experience) is expected to range from $37,000 - $68,000. We offer an outstanding benefits package.
Application Process The search committee will begin reviewing files of applicants after January 13, 2014. Materials received after 4:30PM CST December 31, 2013 may not be considered. Apply using our online Normandale Employment Application at the above link.
Please include only the required application materials of:
· Cover letter addressing the Preferred Qualifications;
· Current resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV);
· Unofficial copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts; and
· The names and contact information for at least three professional references who can address your qualifications for this position (we do NOT accept letters of recommendation)
As with all institutions, final hiring decisions are dependent on enrollment and funding.
Normandale Community College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and educator seeking a diverse work force. We are part of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU).