High School Physics Teacher/Motorsports Enthusiast
Physics of Motorsports
Students racing go karts for physics class labs!
Manatee School For the Arts
700 Haben Blvd. Palmetto, Florida, 34221, Manatee County on Tampa Bay and the Gulf Beaches Contact: Dr. Bill Jones @ (941) 721-6800 voice x1141 or bjones@msfta.org website: www.msfta.org, employment, physics of motorsports. Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsZB4he5wSg
The Physics of Motorsports is recognized by the State of Florida to meet the requirements of a high school physics class. It has been taught for two years and continues to develop. The school owns ten (10) Honda powered ROC karts and two Rotax Senior racing karts. Approximately every two weeks the students drive and race at Andersen RacePark, www.andersenracepark.com, just a few minutes away from the school. The teacher of this course is expected to use and develop laboratory experiences based on driving the karts. MSA also sponsors a kart racing team for the students. The candidate selected for this position will be a leading force in the school’s efforts to create a 6th through 12th grade curriculum of the “Science of Motorsports.”
The Physics of Motorsports is recognized by the State of Florida to meet the requirements of a high school physics class. It has been taught for two years and continues to develop. The school owns ten (10) Honda powered ROC karts and two Rotax Senior racing karts. Approximately every two weeks the students drive and race at Andersen RacePark, www.andersenracepark.com, just a few minutes away from the school. The teacher of this course is expected to use and develop laboratory experiences based on driving the karts. MSA also sponsors a kart racing team for the students. The candidate selected for this position will be a leading force in the school’s efforts to create a 6th through 12th grade curriculum of the “Science of Motorsports.”