Sunday, December 16, 2012

H-1B Petition I-129 Processing Time and Trends


This post is a part of series of posts that makes up “The Complete Process Trail for H-1B Work Visa”.

Current Trends – As of today i.e. 16th December 2012.

Following chart depicts the current I-129 Processing Time of USCIS National Average and Vermont Service Center. So, based on current trend, if your petition will be filed at Vermont Service Center, a decision might be taken in 2.1 months from the actual date of filing. A decision could be , Rejection or an .


Following chart shows the I-129 Processing Volume Trend of Vermont Service Center.

i-129 vermont

Following chart shows National Trend for I-129 Processing Volume

i-129 national

Source – USCIS

How to view most current Processing Time, Volumes and Trends?

  1. Go to
  2. From the second table at the bottom titled “Processing Times”:
    1. Select a form type – select “I-129” and click “Next” button (page will refresh)
    2. Select a form sub-type – select “H-1B – Specialty Occupation – Visa to be issued abroad” and click “Next” button (page will refresh)
    3. Select an office – select any office you wish to view and click “Next” button (page will refresh)
    4. Current Processing Time will be shown in the form of chart (similar to the chart shown above – the very first image above)
  3. On the same page and just beneath the second table, there is a link “View national volumes and trends for all applications”. Click on that link and it will take you to a new page titles “National Processing Volumes and Trends”. From that page:
    1. Select a form type – select “I-129”
    2. Select an office – select any office you wish to see
    3. Select chart type – select any chart you wish to see
    4. Click on the button “Get Results”. Page will refresh and you will see two charts similar to the one shown above – last 2 images)