Sunday, September 23, 2012

Research Internship, CIRCLE

Research Internship, CIRCLE


Deadline for applications 10thOctober 2012 – Interviews to be held in mid-October


Title: Research Intern (Education Science).


Time period: 11 month (1stNovember 2012 – 30thSept 2013; dates flexible).


Pay: Voluntary (accommodation provided; £10 per week food voucher; subsidised food available in staff canteen; part-time vacancies in the on-site catering/retail outlets will be available during summer months; £10 per week food voucher; subsidised food available in staff canteen).


Working hours: Flexible. To be determined in agreement with CIRCLE staff upon arrival.


Qualifications needed: B.Sc. or equivalent in a relevant field (e.g. conservation, zoology, psychology, education, environmental science). New graduates or sandwich year students are encouraged.


Experience needed: None. However, proven willingness to gain experience beyond the standard university education is strongly recommended. The position would suit someone seeking to gain practical research experience and training for a career in education, conservation or zoo management.


Personal attributes: Hard working. Enthusiastic. Excellent inter-personal skills.


About CIRCLE: The Centre for the Integration of Research, Conservation and Learning is a collaborative initiative between the University of York (a Russell Group University and top 5 for Environmental Science in the UK) and the UK’s most visited zoo, Flamingo Land (Malton, North Yorkshire). The aim of CIRCLE is to carry out ground-breaking research that will contribute to the conservation of wild animals and places, and to disseminate the information in a manner that is accessible, interesting and fun.

About Flamingo Land: The zoo at Flamingo Land is part of a global network of zoos and aquariums working together to manage the captive population of threatened animals, to educate visitors on biodiversity conservation and to raise funds for conservation causes. Included among the 130 animal species at Flamingo Land are several animals on the European Endangered Species Program. The park is unique among UK zoos as the site is shared with a large theme park and holiday village. The diversity of attractions includes a record-breaking roller-coaster, acrobats from Tanzania, educational zoo trails and a wide variety of shows, cafes, bars and restaurants. With 1.3 million visitors in 2011, it is currently the UK’s fourth most visited tourist attraction (of those with an entrance fee), and the UK’s most visited zoo.


Job Description: The intern will be responsible for carrying out a research project on the effectiveness of education at Flamingo Land. The internship will begin with literature review and methodological planning under the guidance of experts in conservation biology and education from the University of York and Flamingo Land. The intern will also work closely with three interns already working on other aspects of zoo research. Education research is a growing field among zoological collections, and is important for understanding the best form of teaching practice for conveying environmental and conservation messages.

Research opportunities may therefore include interpretation of zoo signage, effectiveness of different animal exhibits for holding visitor attention, evaluation of teaching methods, and visitor surveys to determine the level of learning. Development of a scientific paper will be strongly encouraged and the intern will receive guidance in this. The intern will also make a final presentation on their work to zoo staff and at a relevant conference. There will also be an opportunity to attend lectures and practical classes in quantitative and qualitative methods. The intern will also be expected to assist with teaching primary school children and to help with other public engagement activities.


Submission requirements: cv, covering letter, full contact details for two referees (at least one from an institution of higher learning), copy of degree certificate (or most recent exam result transcript).


Postal applications: Dr. Andrew Marshall, Environment Department, University of York, YO10 5DD.


E-mail enquiries/applications:


Telephone enquiries: 07725 010100


For Your Information