Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Keeper - Mammal Department

Keeper - Mammal Department
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust are looking to recruit a Keeper to join the Mammal Department.
The purpose of the role will be to promote the Trust’s work in the captive breeding of endangered species by working on the daily management of the animal collection under the direction of the Department Head or Deputy Head.
General daily tasks will include maintaining high standards of cleanliness in all animal enclosures, preparation of food, monitoring of animal behaviour, assisting with the capture and restraint of animals for enclosure movement, veterinary examination or export and be responsible for correct techniques such as ringing etc.
It will also be necessary to provide accurate daily records and to provide assistance, information and co-operation to training students and conservation education staff etc.
The successful candidate will ideally hold a relevant degree level qualification, have a wide knowledge of biology, ecology and captive requirements of animal species for which this post is responsible and have a high level of fitness, computer literacy and written and verbal communication skills.
To apply please visit 
The closing date for applications is 1st March, 2013.
1. Job Purpose
To promote the Trust's work in the captive breeding of endangered species by working on the daily management of the animal collection under the direction of the Department Head or the Deputy Head and by teaching visiting students practical aspects of animal management, carrying out research and supporting others conducting research. To develop the Trust's work overseas by contributing to species recovery programmes.
2. Principal Accountabilities
To maintain high standards of cleanliness in all animal enclosures, public viewing areas and “off view” facilities.
To prepare and distribute food to the animals, following the prescribed diets.
To ensure the accommodation for animals is maintained to a high standard for the safety, health and well-being of the animals and for attractive exhibition to the public.
To monitor the animals carefully for behavioural, reproductive and medical problems and ensure prompt action is taken to alleviate them.
To encourage, or discourage, the reproduction of the animals according to the species management plan by identifying and developing reproduction or contraception techniques.
To provide additional animal care as necessary, beyond the normal routine, to incubate eggs, hand-rear young and attend sick animals.
To assist with the capture and restraint of animals, for enclosure movement, veterinary examination or export from the collection, while minimising stress and ensuring the maximum amount of information is collected during each event.
To be responsible for correct techniques, such as ringing and id chip implants, used to identify animals within the department.
To provide accurate daily records to the Animal Registrar of animal movements, births, deaths, transactions, reproduction and behaviour to ensure a full set of data is available for each animal to facilitate future management and research.
To be up to date on and able to cover for different animal routines to prevent any breakdown in procedures due to days off, illness, or holiday leave of other staff members in the department.
To provide assistance, information, training and supervision to visiting students, ITC trainees and conservation education staff to support DWCT’s training and education programmes.
To answer queries from volunteers and the visiting public to promote the work of DWCT.
To adhere to prescribed safety and emergency procedures to ensure the safety of animals, fellow staff and the visiting public.
To contribute to the development of management strategies for species maintained at the Trust, including design and modification of accommodation, dietary modifications, reproduction techniques and research projects to improve the success of captive breeding programmes.
To propose and carry out original research to further knowledge of species maintained at the Trust and to provide practical support and specialist advice to students, researchers or ITC trainees conducting research in the animal collection.
To propose and, if requested, carry out original field research overseas to further knowledge of species for which the Trust has developed a species recovery programme.
To contribute to proposals for initiating recovery programmes in Jersey and overseas for new species to further the Trust strategy.
To assist senior keepers and department heads in dealing with correspondence from the public, fellow scientists and other conservation organisations when required.
To ensure correct export, import and quarantine procedures are followed at the request of the Animal Registrar and the Zoo Vet and ensure the Zoo Programme Director is kept informed.
To train and supervise trainee keepers or volunteers assisting in the animal collection to ensure their safety and that of the animals.
To attend national and international scientific meetings and conferences and to make presentations of the Trust’s work if requested.
3. Dimensions
Training and supervising with up to 30 trainees, research assistants and students per year, as well as newly appointed trainee keeper staff hired in the department.
4. Knowledge and Skill
BSc (Hons) Zoology or related subject desirable.
Wide knowledge of biology, ecology and captive requirements of animal species for which post is responsible.
A high level of health and fitness in order to be able to carry heavy loads and work in extreme outdoor weather conditions.
Computer literacy.
Good verbal and written communication skills.
The ability to work within a department team, both as a team player and using one's own initiative.
Good organisational and time management skills.

Available at
Please mention Zoo News Digest should you apply for this post
Please also consider advertising your vacancy here in Zoo Jobs. Simply send it as an attachment or within the body of your email to 
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For Your Further Information