Tuesday, September 4, 2012

RSC Workshop: Working on Capitol Hill Seminar -- September 6th, 2012

RSC Workshop: Working on Capitol Hill Thursday, September 6 11am-noon 210 Cannon House Office Building Are you a recent graduate and looking to get your foot in the door? Are you an intern and looking for a permanent Hill position? Are you currently in a Hill office and looking to advance? How should you go about at networking? RSVP to Rick Eberstadt at Rick.Eberstadt@mail.house.gov Please join us for a panel discussion with senior staff where you can hear firsthand how to find a job and advance on Capitol Hill. This will afford you with a rare opportunity to gather insights and information from experienced staff with different backgrounds and ask questions about your own job search. Panelists: Patrick Bell, New Media Director, House Republican Conference/Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) Stacey Johnson, Deputy Chief of Staff, Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) Alek Vey, Legislative Assistant and Press Secretary, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN) Mike Ward, Chief of Staff, Rep. Todd Rokita (R-IN) Important Note: When you RSVP to Rick.Eberstadt@mail.house.gov, please indicate whether you’re currently on or off the Hill and level of position you are seeking. Also, please feel to submit one question that you would like the panelists to answer.