Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Partnership for a Secure America's Congressional Partnership Program Fellowship Program

Due COB Monday, April 16th

Partnership for a Secure America's Congressional Partnership Program (CPP), formerly known as the Congressional Fellowship Program (CFP), is now seeking participants

This opportunity is for Congressional staff interested in generating dialogue and developing the skills and relationships required to advance bipartisanship on national security and foreign policy issues. Through policy seminars and networking activities, this unique program aims to equip the next generation of foreign policy and security experts to respect differences, build common ground and achieve US national interests.

Past activities have included:
• Intimate discussions with policymakers and members of Partnership for a Secure America's Advisory Board
• An interactive seminar designed to enhance negotiation and communication skills
• A dynamic simulation of a National Security Council meeting with former high-level officials playing the role of National Security Advisor
• An off-site weekend retreat that includes in-depth policy discussions on vital national security and foreign policy issues

• Opportunities to engage with top national security figures and past CPP participants in small-group discussions
CPP participants have engaged in discussions with such PSA Advisory Board members as former National Security Advisor Anthony Lake, former Homeland Security Advisor Frances Townsend, and former National Security Advisor Robert McFarlane, published op-eds in international newspapers, and gained valuable connections that developed into bipartisan and bicameral professional relationships.

Eligibility Requirements:
• Current employment with a Member of Congress or committee office, AND
• Demonstrated interest in national security and foreign policy issues

The spring schedule will run from mid April to mid July.

Please click here for instructions. Process requires a completed form along with your resume and a cover letter detailing your interest and what you hope to gain by participating.

All materials must be submitted by COB April 16, 2012. Participation is subject to space availability and qualifications.

For further information about the program, please contact PSA's Program Director, Nathan Sermonis, at or 202-293-8580.