Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project Manager - Rainforest Conservation

On behalf of the board of PhilinCon (Philippine Initiative for Conservation of Environment and the People, Inc.) I send the following message to this list, hoping that someone can help. PhilinCon´s rainforest conservation project PanayCon has lost its local project manager and is in urgent need of a new one. The project is operating
successfully since 1995, see web pages below. As the recent flood disaster on Mindanao with many dead and homeless people has shown, deforestation in the Philippines threatens both humans and ecosystems, with an increasingly pressing need to save the last intact forest remnants like the Panay lowland rainforest as a genetic resource for reforestation.

A salary is to be sourced as soon as a suitable manager has been found.

Start date: as soon as possible

Website for the PanayCon project: see

Website for our umbrella NGO PhilinCon: see

A PDF leaflet with job description / Terms of Reference can be
downloaded here:

Zoos that want to become involved are highly welcome and could be
provided with education materials and photos in return.

Answer please directly to

Prof. Dr. Eberhard Curio
Scientific Advisor of PhilinCon and PanayCon
Conservation Biology Unit,
Ruhr-University Bochum

Office: Ruhr-University Bochum
ND 1 / 31
Universitaetsstrasse 150
44801 Bochum
Tel.: +49-(0)234 / 322 2858
FAX: +49-(0)234 / 321 4472
E-mail (German office):


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