Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Are you slacking in your job search?

Selena Dehne, JIST Publishing

According to Michael Farr, author of "The Quick Resume & Cover Letter Book," the average job seeker spends fewer than 15 hours a week looking for work. Although 15 hours may seem like a great deal of time, it's quite minimal in comparison to the 25 hours or more that Farr recommends job seekers devote to their search for employment each week.
"The average length of unemployment varies from three or more months, with some being out of work far longer," explains Farr. "There is a clear connection between how long it takes to find a job and the number of hours spent looking on a daily and weekly basis. The more time you spend on your job search each week, the less time you are likely to remain unemployed. Of course, using more effective job search methods also helps. Those who set aside a solid amount of time for their job search activities and use this time wisely generally secure jobs in half the average time; and they often get better jobs, too."
Farr suggests that job seekers create a specific daily schedule that keeps them on task and accountable for how their job search progresses. Here is a sample schedule provided in his book.
7–8 a.m.
Get up, shower, dress and eat breakfast.
8–8:15 a.m.
Organize workspace, review schedule for interviews or follow-ups and update schedule.
8:15–9 a.m.
Review old leads for follow-up and develop new leads (want ads, Internet, networking lists and so on).
9–10 a.m.
Make networking or direct employer phone calls, establish Internet contacts and set up meetings and interviews.
10–10:15 a.m.
Take a break.
10:15–11 a.m. Make more new calls and Internet contacts.
11–12 p.m. Make follow-up calls and send emails as needed.
12–1 p.m.
Lunch break.
1–5 p.m.Go on interviews and networking meetings, make cold contacts in the field and conduct research for upcoming interviews.
5–8 p.m.Attend networking events.
Selena Dehne is a career writer for JIST Publishing who shares the latest occupational, career and job search information available with job seekers and career changers. She is also the author of JIST's Job Search and Career Blog (http://jistjobsearchandcareer.blogspot.com/). Follow her on Twitter at http://twitter.com/SelenaDehne