Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Independent Philadelphia Security Officers Union Wins First Union Contract at the Museum of Art

By Allison Fletcher Acosta, on April 20th, 2011

After four years of organizing, officers at the Philadelphia Museum of Art employed by AlliedBarton Security Services have a union contract!  The agreement, ratified by a majority of guards on April 18th, will increase wages by 14.5% over the life of the 3-year contract and will institute a grievance procedure and a seniority system.
“We are proud that our 4 year struggle has resulted in a better quality of life for our coworkers and families,” says Donald Lindsey, President of the union.
The union mounted a public pressure campaign which engaged supportive city council members, the Philadelphia labor movement, student activists, Jobs with Justice, and dozens of local faith leaders to win their victory against the nation’s second-largest security company.
Security guards are prevented from joining most labor unions due to the Section 9 (B) 3 of the National Labor Relations Act.  This clause of the National Labor Relations Act states that security guards must join “security guard only unions,” of which there are few.