Monday, March 24, 2008

Upcoming Events

There are several great events coming up. Please contact me if you need any more information. There will also be an announcement about the upcoming steering committee meeting posted here soon.

On Saturday, March 29th, there will be a dinner and dance to celebrate Cesar Chavez day and benefit the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement (LCLAA). This event will start at 7PM and will be held at the IBEW local 68 Union Hall. This event will feature a catered dinner and live music by Latin Soul. Scroll down for a flyer.

On Wednesday, April 2nd, there will be an action in support of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW). This action, organized by the Denver Fair Food Committee, will start at noon the Market St. Station (Market and 16th St.). There will be street theater, pinatas, pennies and post cards. We will then march to Chipotle HQ to deliver the post cards we have been collecting. A member of the CIW will also take part in this action. The Denver Fair Food Committee has made repeated attempts to get a meeting with folks at Chipotle to discuss working conditions faced by farm workers in their supply chain in central Florida. Scroll down for a flyer.

On Wednesday, April 9th, Colorado Jobs with Justice will have its first fundraiser of 2008! The Romero Theater Troupe will be performing "Which Side are You On?", an excellent play about the history of the American Labor Movement and the hopes of a new generation of working people. This event will take place at The Oriental Theater. Tickets are $8 for students and union members and $12 for adults. Doors open at 6:00 PM and the show starts at 7:00 PM. All proceeds from this show will benefit Colorado Jobs with Justice. I saw this show in February and it is great! Scroll down for a flyer.

Click on flyers to enlarge.