Showing posts with label Dirty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirty. Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

Crime Scene Cleaner- One of the dirtiest Jobs!!!

As the police and fire agencies are the crucial agencies after any accident or deaths, similarly crime scene cleaners perform a very important task in the accident location.

Crime scene cleanup is the niche market in the cleaning industry and it involves cleaning of dangerous materials. It is called as CTS Decon –crime and trauma scene decontamination.

This may contain the chemically contaminated scene of any laboratory or anthrax exposure site. This also includes the biological contaminated scene of violent death ( suicide or accidental ). Crime scene cleaner does the restoration work by making the things back to normal.

In the family where any accident takes place, they don’t move out from their home. The cleaners are arranged to gather all the buzzards as any tissue, blood cells are considered the beginning of infection. If you have a thumbnail size spot on the carpet, there is a large probability that there will be a patch of about 2 feet beneath the carpet, that will be a major cause of infections.

The companies training the crime scene cleaners give them the thorough knowledge on what to look at the crime scene spot and how to handle the waste products at the crime location. It's not just to clean the spot, the goal of the crime scene cleaner is to entirely check the location and remove all the biohazards like infected body, skull, bones, contaminated body or damaged parts of the body. It is a very tactful job.

Every crime scene cleaner at least accept these three characters in them: a sympathetic nature , a strong stomach and the ability to emotionally detach from his workplace.

Crime scene cleaners charge up to 600$ per hour for their cleaning service and sometimes more depending on the stuff they are about to clean. It is the dirtiest job in the world but someone has to do.

It can cause emotional disorders also, therefore not meant for the emotional and heart disease people.