Showing posts with label Andy Pippin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andy Pippin. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

AFT Colorado Members and Leaders Join Call for New Era

State AFT Leader Joins Jobs Rally at Capitol
To Call for New Era of Economic Security in Colorado

DENVER—AFT Colorado members and leaders joined hundreds of others on the west steps of the Capitol to call on state legislators and other elected officials to support an agenda that will get people back to work in 2011.

“We all must stand together and fight to establish a new era of economic stability for Colorado and prosperity for our state’s families,” said Andy Pippin, vice president of AFT Colorado. He was one of several speakers at today’s rally, which was organized by the AFL-CIO and included Colorado WINS, which represents state workers.

“All Coloradans, including its teachers and public employees, understand the state’s difficult budget crisis, but we have to be careful not to make a bad situation worse. We need fixes that won’t jeopardize essential state services that the public depends on, and that won’t lead to the loss of experts who perform important state functions or teachers and other school staff,” Pippin said.

continue reading Call for New Era

reposted by Russell Bannan