Thursday, November 21, 2013

TT at SUNY-New Paltz

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the State University of New York at New Paltz, a comprehensive college in the Hudson Valley, is seeking applicants for a tenure-track position in physics to begin in Fall, 2014.
The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the development and teaching of courses for the general education curriculum that focus on current events and/or challenges that involve physics.
~ The minimum qualification for this position is an earned doctorate in physics or a related area. ABD candidates with a firm defense date may be considered.
~ Candidates will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to quality teaching and student success.
~ Candidates must show evidence of the ability to implement a research program in any area of experimental physics such as materials science, biophysics, condensed matter physics, optics, acoustics, that can be carried out at SUNY New Paltz and successfully involve undergraduates.
~ An interest in interdisciplinary research with other departments and/or the ability to contribute to our efforts in 3-D printing would be especially welcome.
Contact Information:
The electronic application should be emailed to and should include:
·Curriculum vitae
·Research proposal ( maximum of 5 pages)

·Statement of teaching philosophy (1 - 2 pages)
·Electronic copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial transcripts can be sent initially however official transcripts will be required before interviews take place)
In addition, the candidates should arrange to have 3 letters of recommendation sent via mail to:
Chair, F13-41 Search Committee
Department of Physics and Astronomy
SUNY New Paltz
1 Hawk Drive
New Paltz, NY 12561
Please note Search #F13-41 on all materials submitted. Application review begins January 5, 2014.
Applications accepted until position is filled; priority given to applications received by 1/5/14.
Other important information about this vacancy:
Recognized regionally for the strength of its academic programs, New Paltz is a highly-selective public college with about 8000 students. It is located on a beautiful campus 75 miles north of New York City in a picturesque area at the foothills of the Catskill Mountains with easy access to the City and nearby cultural and recreational amenities.
Federal law and regulations require notice to all prospective employees regarding crimes that have occurred on campus in the current three year period. Please refer to the University Police Web site for the complete Annual Security Report ("Clery Report") at