Sunday, November 17, 2013

Renewable FT at University of Washington-Bothell

The University of Washington Bothell (UWB) seeks a dynamic educator to teach in the fast-growing Physical Sciences Division of the School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics at the rank of Lecturer Full-Time. The initial term of appointment for this full-time, nine-month multi-year renewable position will be September 16, 2014 through June 15, 2017.  All University faculty are expected to engage in teaching, research, and service.
Qualifications for this position include a minimum of three of the following:
1)      Familiarity and experience with modern teaching methods in physics (including lab).
2)      Familiarity with a variety of assessment tools.
3)      Familiarity with the physics education literature and/or participation in STEM education conferences or other similar activities.
4)      Familiarity with up to date laboratory safety techniques and rules.
5)      Experience in supervising other laboratory instructors, developing new and engaging laboratory experiments and pedagogy for Physics.
6)      Experience in developing Physics curriculum.
All University lecturers engage in teaching and service. Successful candidates for appointment at the rank of Lecturer Full-time will have an earned Ph.D. in physics or related field and have at least one year of teaching experience in physics.  Successful candidates will be able to demonstrate: ability to work independently and as part of a team; the ability to work with a diverse student population and employ a variety of instructional strategies. Preference will be given to candidates with experience in excess of the one-year minimum and a demonstrated ability to contribute broadly to the emerging physical sciences programs at UW Bothell. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.  The search is open until filled; the priority deadline is December 10, 2013.  This position is contingent on available funding.

The School of STEM offers seven undergraduate degrees and two graduate degrees within its four Divisions of Biological Sciences, Computing and Software Systems, Engineering and Mathematics, and Physical Sciences.   Interactive Media Design and Mathematics degrees were launched in Autumn 2013, a degree in Chemistry is planned to begin in the Fall of 2014 and degrees in Physics, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Engineering are planned for initiation during the next two to four years. We also offer masters degrees in Computer Science and Software Engineering, a masters degree in Cyber Security Engineering beginning fall 2013, and plan to offer a masters degree in Electrical Engineering beginning fall 2014. Our present laboratory facilities will be augmented in Autumn 2014 by the new 74,000 square-foot Science and Academic Building, which will include eleven new science and engineering laboratories.
The Bothell campus of the University of Washington, located approximately 20 miles northeast of Seattle, serves approximately 4000 traditional and non-traditional students and offers degrees through the Schools of Business, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), and the Education, and Nursing and Health Studies programs. Since its opening in 1990, UWB has offered creative, interdisciplinary curricula, and a dynamic community of multicultural teaching. It is now the fastest growing campus in the state of Washington.
To apply please submit a single electronic file to with the subject line:  Physics FT Lecturer Search.  The file should contain the following:  curriculum vitae, letter of interest including a statement of teaching philosophy, any available evidence of teaching excellence, a sample syllabus, and a reference contact list.  Also, please have three letters of reference sent to the same e-mail address.  For more information about the School of STEM see, or contact Dr. Warren Buck, Chair of the search committee, at   The search is open until filled; the priority deadline is December 10, 2013 This position is contingent on available funding.

The University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The University of Washington Bothell is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty and staff committed to teaching and working in a multicultural environment and strongly encourages applications from women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and other eligible veterans. We are particularly interested in faculty who contribute to diversifying the undergraduate and graduate curricula.