Thursday, July 18, 2013

We Need Your Help with the North Carolina Crowdfunding Act

Dear friends and supporters of the North Carolina startup community:

We are down to the wire on making investment crowdfunding a reality here in North Carolina with the passage of HB680, the North Carolina JOBS Act of 2013, which has already passed the NC House by a vote of 103 to 1. We need your help to push it over the finish line in the NC Senate.

Please call and email today if possible, Senator Berger who is Senate President Pro Tem,  Senator Gunn and Senator Meredith who are the co-chairs of the Commerce committee, and Senators Rabon and Rucho who are the co-chairs of the Finance committee, and request them to move HB680 forward. Senators Pate, Brown, and Tillman are part of the Senate leadership, and Lt Governor Forest is also Senate President . The bill needs action by the Senate Commerce and Finance Committees, and a floor vote in the Senate before the end of the session, which is quickly approaching.

Senator Berger
Office: 919-733-5708

Senator Gunn
Office: 919-301-1446

Senator Meredith
Office : 919-733-5776

Senator Rabon
Office: 919-733-5963

Senator Rucho
Office: 919-733-5655

Senator Pate
Office: 919-733-5621

Senator Brown
Office: 919-715-3034

Senator Tillman
Office: 919-733-5870

Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest
Office: 919-733-7350

Here is a suggestion for an email or phone conversation:

“I am (  ) with (  ). I am contacting the Senator with regards to HB680, the NC JOBS Act. This bill, which creates a new way to fund startups and small business using investment crowdfunding, is a great opportunity to create jobs and improve the economy in North Carolina. It passed the House recently by a wide bipartisan vote of 103 to 1, and has support from the startup and small business communities of North Carolina. This bill needs action from the Senate Commerce Committee, the Senate Finance Committee, and a floor vote in the Senate and I urge you to move on this bill quickly. Thanks for your support of NC JOBS and the small business community.”

If you have time, please also contact your own State Senator. Thanks for the help, and please forward this request to your contacts in the startup community.

Best regards,

NC JOBS Act of 2013 Team