Employer: Action on Armed Violence
Closing date: 14 Jun 2013
Location: Sierra Leone
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Base: Based in Freetown, Sierra Leone with travel to the Districts and travel to Liberia for coordination meetings
Reporting to: MRU Regional Director
Purpose of the job: Responsible for the overall management, planning and coordination of improved armed violence data in Sierra LeoneBackground
Leading an effort to improve armed violence (AV) data collection, monitoring, and armed violence prevention planning in Sierra Leone, the Project Manager (PM) will be responsible for leading AOAV’s efforts to strengthen institutional capacity in Sierra Leone. The PM will work collaboratively with government and non-government stakeholders, as well as leading academics and media members, to improve national capacity in gathering, analysing and reporting AV data and generating policy recommendations for reducing AV.
At present, it is possible that AOAV will support the founding of an independent Armed Violence Observatory (AVO) to take on these data collection and analysis tasks; however, it is possible that these responsibilities would be taken up by already existing non-governmental organizations, a government institution, or a collaborative effort between these two sets of actors. Helping Sierra Leoneans agree on the most appropriate model, and then building the capacity of this institution to collect data and conduct effective analysis, is the primary task of the PM.
The PM will work closely with AOAV staff in Liberia – including the Mano River Union Regional Director, to whom the PM will directly report – to link the work in Sierra Leone with that of the Liberia Armed Violence Observatory (LAVO) in an effort to increase regional data sharing and eventually coordination.
Networking and establishing relationships:
• Build on AOAV’s existing contacts working in AV-related issues in Sierra Leone to identify a range of relevant Sierra Leonean actors engaged in and capable of AV measurement and monitoring;
• Establish dialogue with such actors towards establishing an agreed form and process of AV data and monitoring collaboration, analysis, and reporting on the incidence and impact of AV in Sierra Leone;
• Develop good relationships with Sierra Leone government authorities and encourage their active participation in AV monitoring, analysis, and prevention;
• Liaise with AOAV Liberia and the Liberia Armed Violence Observatory (LAVO) to enhance regional data sharing and future collaboration;
Collection of data
• Ensure that AV data collection draws on various government and non-government data sources including, but not limited, to the following:
o International and national civil society organizations working on issues relevant to armed violence, security, and development;
Base: Based in Freetown, Sierra Leone with travel to the Districts and travel to Liberia for coordination meetings
Reporting to: MRU Regional Director
Purpose of the job: Responsible for the overall management, planning and coordination of improved armed violence data in Sierra LeoneBackground
Leading an effort to improve armed violence (AV) data collection, monitoring, and armed violence prevention planning in Sierra Leone, the Project Manager (PM) will be responsible for leading AOAV’s efforts to strengthen institutional capacity in Sierra Leone. The PM will work collaboratively with government and non-government stakeholders, as well as leading academics and media members, to improve national capacity in gathering, analysing and reporting AV data and generating policy recommendations for reducing AV.
At present, it is possible that AOAV will support the founding of an independent Armed Violence Observatory (AVO) to take on these data collection and analysis tasks; however, it is possible that these responsibilities would be taken up by already existing non-governmental organizations, a government institution, or a collaborative effort between these two sets of actors. Helping Sierra Leoneans agree on the most appropriate model, and then building the capacity of this institution to collect data and conduct effective analysis, is the primary task of the PM.
The PM will work closely with AOAV staff in Liberia – including the Mano River Union Regional Director, to whom the PM will directly report – to link the work in Sierra Leone with that of the Liberia Armed Violence Observatory (LAVO) in an effort to increase regional data sharing and eventually coordination.
Networking and establishing relationships:
• Build on AOAV’s existing contacts working in AV-related issues in Sierra Leone to identify a range of relevant Sierra Leonean actors engaged in and capable of AV measurement and monitoring;
• Establish dialogue with such actors towards establishing an agreed form and process of AV data and monitoring collaboration, analysis, and reporting on the incidence and impact of AV in Sierra Leone;
• Develop good relationships with Sierra Leone government authorities and encourage their active participation in AV monitoring, analysis, and prevention;
• Liaise with AOAV Liberia and the Liberia Armed Violence Observatory (LAVO) to enhance regional data sharing and future collaboration;
Collection of data
• Ensure that AV data collection draws on various government and non-government data sources including, but not limited, to the following:
o International and national civil society organizations working on issues relevant to armed violence, security, and development;
o Early warning system – such a system is currently being developed by the West African Peacebuilding Network (WANEP);
o Ministries of Health, Justice, Defence, Interior, Foreign Affairs (as relevant);
o Police / community policing statistics – reporting on crime and violence;
o Public health data – reporting on incidents, mortality and morbidity from primary health centres and hospitals in Sierra Leone;
o Morgue data – reporting on fatalities;
o Incident reporting – reporting through newspapers and radio in Sierra Leone, as well as developing reporting contacts with local and national civil society organisations;
o Periodic surveys – reporting through periodic surveys on violence in Sierra Leone, either organised directly or through collaborating with government, UN or civil society survey takers;
o Other data sources may be introduced as they emerge.
• Facilitate agreement among key stakeholders on data collection and analysis methodology, and help strengthen their capacity to collect, collate, analyse and report on data;
Database Development
• Develop a practical and useable database capable of recording and disaggregating incoming AV data according to agreed criteria, including socio-economic details, gender, location, type of incident/weapon, and other relevant details;
Dissemination of Data
• Organising AV data and disseminating findings in order to inform policy makers and development practitioners and to raise awareness among the general public, both within Sierra Leone and, where relevant, internationally, through the development of:
o Regular, publically available reports on collated and analysed data of findings;
o A website for continuous reporting on violence;
o An annual, national report on armed violence drafted with the collaboration of key stakeholders;
o Issue briefs, press releases, and newsletters reporting on important issues and activities related to AV;
o Regular meetings (possibly to include the formation of a national working group or the strengthening of existing working groups focused on issues of violence and/or conflict) and periodic conferences to further engage key stakeholders at a community, regional, national and global level;
o Public information materials to help in public education, advocacy, awareness-raising, and programmatic interventions related to AV prevention
Other duties
• As needed programmatically, travel to various locations within Sierra Leone for meetings, training, assessments, etc.;
• Perform any other duties as required by the MRU Regional Director;
• Coordinate activities, partnership building, and external communication with all other Sierra Leone based AOAV staff and consultants, with guidance from the MRU Regional Director;
• As requested by AOAV HQ, be available and willing to travel for short periods regionally and internationally to advise and liaise with other AOAV efforts
Masters Degree or equivalent experience in development management, social sciences or similar field;
At least 4 years of international experience preferably in conflict or post-conflict situations, previous experience of working in Sierra Leone an advantage;
Previous experience of working with government and non-government agencies in a supervisory or technical advisory setting
Ability to work independently
Ability to think strategically and problem solve
Ability to adapt to changing situations and unstable security conditions
Fluent in English
Personal Characteristics
Willing to travel to remote sites
Culturally sensitive with the ability to work in a multicultural team
Self-motivated and able to work with limited direct oversight
Willing to live in basic and/or shared accommodation
Willing to follow security guidelines
How to apply:
Please visit www.aoav.org.uk for application instructions, or send an application form and equal opportunities monitoring form to jobs@aoav.org.uk .
o Ministries of Health, Justice, Defence, Interior, Foreign Affairs (as relevant);
o Police / community policing statistics – reporting on crime and violence;
o Public health data – reporting on incidents, mortality and morbidity from primary health centres and hospitals in Sierra Leone;
o Morgue data – reporting on fatalities;
o Incident reporting – reporting through newspapers and radio in Sierra Leone, as well as developing reporting contacts with local and national civil society organisations;
o Periodic surveys – reporting through periodic surveys on violence in Sierra Leone, either organised directly or through collaborating with government, UN or civil society survey takers;
o Other data sources may be introduced as they emerge.
• Facilitate agreement among key stakeholders on data collection and analysis methodology, and help strengthen their capacity to collect, collate, analyse and report on data;
Database Development
• Develop a practical and useable database capable of recording and disaggregating incoming AV data according to agreed criteria, including socio-economic details, gender, location, type of incident/weapon, and other relevant details;
Dissemination of Data
• Organising AV data and disseminating findings in order to inform policy makers and development practitioners and to raise awareness among the general public, both within Sierra Leone and, where relevant, internationally, through the development of:
o Regular, publically available reports on collated and analysed data of findings;
o A website for continuous reporting on violence;
o An annual, national report on armed violence drafted with the collaboration of key stakeholders;
o Issue briefs, press releases, and newsletters reporting on important issues and activities related to AV;
o Regular meetings (possibly to include the formation of a national working group or the strengthening of existing working groups focused on issues of violence and/or conflict) and periodic conferences to further engage key stakeholders at a community, regional, national and global level;
o Public information materials to help in public education, advocacy, awareness-raising, and programmatic interventions related to AV prevention
Other duties
• As needed programmatically, travel to various locations within Sierra Leone for meetings, training, assessments, etc.;
• Perform any other duties as required by the MRU Regional Director;
• Coordinate activities, partnership building, and external communication with all other Sierra Leone based AOAV staff and consultants, with guidance from the MRU Regional Director;
• As requested by AOAV HQ, be available and willing to travel for short periods regionally and internationally to advise and liaise with other AOAV efforts
Masters Degree or equivalent experience in development management, social sciences or similar field;
At least 4 years of international experience preferably in conflict or post-conflict situations, previous experience of working in Sierra Leone an advantage;
Previous experience of working with government and non-government agencies in a supervisory or technical advisory setting
Ability to work independently
Ability to think strategically and problem solve
Ability to adapt to changing situations and unstable security conditions
Fluent in English
Personal Characteristics
Willing to travel to remote sites
Culturally sensitive with the ability to work in a multicultural team
Self-motivated and able to work with limited direct oversight
Willing to live in basic and/or shared accommodation
Willing to follow security guidelines
How to apply:
Please visit www.aoav.org.uk for application instructions, or send an application form and equal opportunities monitoring form to jobs@aoav.org.uk .