Position Number: 931555
The Center for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education within the Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education in the College of Education, East Carolina University, is seeking applications and nominations for a twelve-month, stated definite term, full-time position to begin immediately. This position does not include a faculty appointment. Salary: Commensurate with qualifications.
The Assistant Director will assist the Center's Director with the management of the STEM Center
programs and/or other activities in which the Center participates. Specific duties and responsibilities fall under four broad areas: 1) Program Design and Coordination, including existing programs
such as Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics and the Advanced Placement Institute as
well as new programs that emerge; 2) Program Evaluation; 3) Public Outreach, including maintenance of the Center website; and 4) Supervision of student employees. Other responsibilities to be
assigned as needed.
Preference given to candidates who possess: Familiarity with the STEM-related economic needs of eastern North Carolina; web design/maintenance expertise; program evaluation experience; or, grant proposal preparation and administration experience. All degrees must be received from appropriately accredited institutions and conferred by the time of hire.
Candidates must submit the following documents online at (1) a letter of application describing academic background, specific skills, and experiences relevant to the position; and, (2) a current resume, and (3) a copy of all official transcripts.
Candidates must also arrange to have three original, signed current letters of reference sent to:
Dr. Angelo Collins, Search Chair and Director, Center for STEM Education, Department of Mathematics, Science, and Instructional Technology Education, College of Education, 352 Flanagan Building, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858.
Screening will begin June 18, 2013 and continue until position is filled. Official transcripts required upon employment. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Visit this job posting at: