Employer: OT Training Solutions, Inc
Location: Kabul, Afghanistan
Job Description
The Afghan National Army (ANA) Special Infantry Training Program (SITP) provides dedicated in-depth training and subject matter expertise to organize, man, equip, and train Special Infantry units for the ANA. Special Infantry units are elite, highly mobile light infantry units specializing in assaults on
conventional targets. Conduct of this training effort is at a coalition facility located in the greater Kabul region. The scope of this training includes physical conditioning, small arms and crew-served weapon instruction, explosive breaching, rotary-wing insertion and close-quarter battle.
Required Hours
Training is conducted six (6) days per week for up to twelve (12) hours per day
Required Qualifications
*Ranger or Special Forces qualification *OIF / OEF experience with 75th Ranger Regiment or equivalent. *Must have and be able to maintain Secret Security Clearance. *Have a military E4 or higher and have had Infantry and squad leader experience in US military. *Prefer previous experience training and advising foreign military soldiers. Required to submit: *DD 214 with application/resume. *Indicate rank at retirement or separation of service.
Required Education
MOS 11B/11C/18 series