Assistant Professor of Physics, 9-month tenure track, beginning August 2013
Henderson State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer with a significant commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. In pursuit of this commitment, the Physics Department seeks an energetic individual with a commitment to undergraduate teaching in a liberal arts environment and who will engage students in undergraduate research. Student advising, research/scholarly activity, and university service are expected.
The successful candidate will teach core undergraduate physics and/or engineering courses at all levels, participate in the operation and maintenance of the undergraduate laboratories, and direct senior research projects. The department has collaborative ties with the Arkansas Space Grant Consortium and seeks applicants whose research complements existing strengths in engineering physics, geophysics, computational physics, observational astronomy, atmospheric physics and/or astrophysics.
Necessary qualifications include a Ph.D. in Physics, Engineering Physics, or Applied Science from an accredited institution. ABD with firm completion date may also be considered.
Henderson State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer with a significant commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. In pursuit of this commitment, the Physics Department seeks an energetic individual with a commitment to undergraduate teaching in a liberal arts environment and who will engage students in undergraduate research. Student advising, research/scholarly activity, and university service are expected.
The successful candidate will teach core undergraduate physics and/or engineering courses at all levels, participate in the operation and maintenance of the undergraduate laboratories, and direct senior research projects. The department has collaborative ties with the Arkansas Space Grant Consortium and seeks applicants whose research complements existing strengths in engineering physics, geophysics, computational physics, observational astronomy, atmospheric physics and/or astrophysics.
Necessary qualifications include a Ph.D. in Physics, Engineering Physics, or Applied Science from an accredited institution. ABD with firm completion date may also be considered.
Henderson is located in Arkadelphia, a charming, family-centered community of 11,000 residents situated one hour south of Little Rock on Interstate 30. Nestled in the foothills of the Ouachita Mountains, the community is home to two universities, a strong public school system, a thriving medical community, two recreational rivers, the iconic Lake DeGray, and is approximately 30 miles from historic Hot Springs National Park, one of the great American treasures. Please visit,, or for more information about Henderson and our community.
The Department of Physics offers a BS degree in physics and employs five full-time faculty. The department is currently proposing degrees in engineering physics and physics education which will be implemented immediately upon approval.
Apply by sending hard copies of a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, unofficial transcripts, three letters of recommendation, a statement of teaching philosophy and research interests to:
Basil Miller, Ph.D. Physics Search Chair
Henderson State University
1100 Henderson Street, Box 7524
Arkadelphia, AR 71999-0001
The selection process will begin May 3, 2013 and continue until the position is filled.