How to find a Job in the USA.
Step 1. Organize a list of what you have done, can do and want to do.
You can start with your school major as your core education
You can add any secondary courses, or workshops or skill training
You can add any part time or past work experience or job training.
You can add any volunteer or community service experience
You can organize all this information into a resume.
Step 2. Organize your personal presentation
You have to be able to speak about yourself with accuracy and confidence.
You will have to be able to answer questions - even some trick questions..
You may have to write or perform some job or skill specific tests.
Step 3. Research which companies or organizations offer the type of Job that you want.
Step 4. Research what the actual job requirements are for education, skills and experience.
Step 5. Research what companies in this sector are advertising open positions right now.
Step 6. Send out resumes for every open job position in your sector where you have the qualifications.
Step7. Call every company that you sent a resume within 3 days - ask for an interview.
Step 8. Research the company before the interview - be prepared - know their products and industry.
Step 9. Make the perfect presentation - get the job
Repeat steps 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 until hired.
Good luck - keep working