Friday, November 9, 2012

Republican Study Committee Resume Service 2012

RSC Resume Service 2012 The RSC will be collecting resumes for new and existing RSC Members Offices. Due to the extremely high volume anticipated, resumes will ONLY be accepted that follow the protocol in this email. • Resumes must be sent as a PDF document, with simply the name of the applicant as the title of the file (Last Name, First Name), to Resumes which are not submitted in PDF form, and/or do not have the file title format of “Last Name, First Name,” will not be accepted. • The email accompanying your resume must include the name of the position(s) you are seeking in the body of the email—ideally toward the top in an easily-visible way. Any resume submissions lacking this information will not be accepted. If you previously submitted your resume through the RSC website, or informally to Yong Choe or Paul Teller, we would recommend that you resubmit it to ensure that we have your most current version. The following are the selected positions: Positions Chief of Staff Legislative Director Legislative Counsel Committee Counsel/Professional Staff Legislative Assistant Legislative Correspondent Communications Director/Press Secretary New Media Director Press/New Media Assistant Scheduler/Executive Assistant Financial Administrator Staff Assistant District Director Case Worker Intern/Fellow A correct email will have a resume attached (PDF file, with the applicant’s name as the file title: ‘last name, first name’), and list the position(s) of interest at the top of the body of the email. Once we receive your resume, it will be provided electronically to each newly-elected Member (and to any current RSC Member office upon request). Each new and existing RSC Member will handle the hiring process differently. The deadline for submitting resumes will be COB on Monday, November 12.