Senior Elephant Keeper
Based at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, Bedfordshire
There is a vacancy for an experienced elephant keeper to join the dynamic and innovative team at a senior level at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo. This position will provide the post-holder with the opportunity to develop their skills further and to take on the responsibility of managing Whipsnade’s herd on a daily basis.
A staff of 8 currently cares for a breeding herd of Asian elephants comprising one breeding bull, 5 cows and 3 calves, the youngest being born in 2012. The bull is managed in protected contact but the females and calves are managed in free contact which allows all of the elephants other than the adult male to be walked around the 600 acre zoo site with the keepers ever day. An important part of the programme is to present a demonstration for the visitors during the summer.
Plans are currently underway to build a new open indoor facility in 2014 to accommodate the growing herd and to provide an improved area for the cows and young. This will add to an already comprehensive facility with over 20 acres of grass paddocks, a bull paddock, an all weather sand-yard complex and indoor stables for the cows and young and the breeding bull.
The successful candidate will join an extremely active and committed team that works intensively with the elephants through the day under a well planned programme of husbandry, training, research and veterinary care ranging from daily washing, foot care, taking blood samples and weighing to artificial insemination and ultra-sound scanning.
We are looking for a keeper and manager who must be able to demonstrate the highest standards in the daily care of elephants; is highly motivated and committed to developing their skills further as part of a dynamic team. Applicants should be ambitious and able to assist with the on-going development of the elephant programme at Whipsnade.
This is an excellent opportunity to join ZSL and contribute to our work in wildlife conservation through our zoos and to be involved in one of the best elephant programmes available.
Please apply in writing, with a full curriculum vitae, by e-mailing or letter to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, Human Resources Department, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England LU6 2LF
Closing date for applications is: 8 October 2012
If you do not have the experience necessary for this position but would like to be kept informed of future vacancies on the elephant section at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo I would be very pleased to hear from you. Please do contact me and register your interest.
The successful candidate will join an extremely active and committed team that works intensively with the elephants through the day under a well planned programme of husbandry, training, research and veterinary care ranging from daily washing, foot care, taking blood samples and weighing to artificial insemination and ultra-sound scanning.
We are looking for a keeper and manager who must be able to demonstrate the highest standards in the daily care of elephants; is highly motivated and committed to developing their skills further as part of a dynamic team. Applicants should be ambitious and able to assist with the on-going development of the elephant programme at Whipsnade.
This is an excellent opportunity to join ZSL and contribute to our work in wildlife conservation through our zoos and to be involved in one of the best elephant programmes available.
Please apply in writing, with a full curriculum vitae, by e-mailing or letter to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo, Human Resources Department, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England LU6 2LF
Closing date for applications is: 8 October 2012
If you do not have the experience necessary for this position but would like to be kept informed of future vacancies on the elephant section at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo I would be very pleased to hear from you. Please do contact me and register your interest.
For Your Information