Saturday, December 26, 2009

5 Jobs for Internet Addicts

Are you an online addict? The dictionary doesn't have a definition for it just yet, but if it were to exist, I suspect it would look something like this:

Internet addict (n): 1. One whose hand has molded to fit the contour of the computer mouse; 2. One who feels energized by the glow of a computer screen in much the same way a fresh cup of coffee makes most people feel in the morning; 3. One who dreads going to sleep because he or she is unable to go online for eight hours.

Is this you? Do you hate the fact that your job gets in the way of your Internet activity? Perhaps you don't let that stop you from surfing the Web during the day and you pray the boss won't catch you. Whatever the situation may be, you might be better off in a different job. Say, a job where you're paid for your online addiction.

Maybe you need help weaning yourself off of the computer, but until your friends and family stage an intervention, you should consider one of these Webtastic jobs:

Branding consultant
Branding is a buzzword that's worked its way into the permanent lexicon. Companies, organizations and even individuals want to have a brand -- an identity that customers instantly recognize and respond to positively. Much of that branding is formed online, via ad campaigns, press and customer interaction. Branding consultants help companies identify what type of brand they want and then they help create it and keep it consistent through all outlets. They know the likes and dislikes of their target audience, so they try to be in front of them as much as possible to get exposure and gauge their reactions. The placement of banner ads, the spread of viral videos and other places you see a company's advertisements are the results of branding consultants' efforts.

Public relations director
The world of PR is busy and ever-changing. In fact, what you do as a public relations specialist or director depends on the organization in which you work. What is the same everywhere is the need to monitor what type of media attention you're getting and employ damage control if necessary. Directors give interviews online, in print, on radio and on TV to speak on the company's behalf. They stay on message so that the company presents a unified, cohesive voice at all times. Directors also monitor what publications and critics, both online and offline, are saying about the company and are prepared to respond to all inquiries that might come their way.

The Internet has been changing industries for well over a decade now, as most people recognize. Recruiting has also experienced a shift, mostly due to networking sites. Sites where people can post their education history, work experience and skills are ripe for recruiters who need to find new talent. By logging on to a social network, they have access to thousands of potential employees at the click of their mouse. Of course, good recruiters want the right candidate, so they spend hours scouring different networks to find the most qualified individuals.

Social media consultant
Social media are still relatively new in the business world, as is this position. In some companies, a social media consultant is a busy, high-level job. In others it's a part-time gig suited for an intern. What you can be certain of is the need to find new ways to engage customers online. Companies need someone to set up and maintain accounts on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and any other social media site that pops up. The social media consultant might work for a public relations director or alongside a branding consultant. Whatever the case, this person need to keep the content fresh, monitor user feedback and create a persona for the company -- all through the click of a mouse.

User operations analyst
What one thing do advertisers and site owners want to know more than anything else? How online users behave. The pages they visit, how far they scroll down a page, how many clicks they are willing to make to find information, and anything else that gives insight into how users navigate a site. User operations analysts monitor how users interact with the site and they also answer users' questions or listen to their feedback to see what they want in a site. The analysts then share their information with the site owner.

By Anthony Balderrama writer and blogger for and its job blog, The Work Buzz. He researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues. Follow him on Twitter at

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