by Richard Castellini, Senior Career Adviser for Did you have high hopes of being an astronaut or even the president when you were growing up? Now you’re stuck behind a pile of papers wondering exactly when you lost the desire to dream big.
If you didn’t start out 2008 in your dream job, you’re not alone. A new survey of more than 6,700 workers by and Disney Parks reveals that only 15 percent of workers say they are in their dream jobs.
So what does the perfect job entail? It means something different for everyone.
Most of us are looking for more than just a paycheck. Ninety percent of workers said, if they could get a job that would allow them to make a difference in the world, they would do it. More than a third (35 percent) said they would even take a pay cut if they could help others or give back to the community.
Why wait to find your dream job?
Is your job negatively affecting your personal life, are you having a hard time getting out of bed in the morning? Maybe you’re staying put because of the benefits or because you are worried you aren’t qualified for the job you really want. There are all sorts of reasons (or excuses) for not seeking out a dream job, but you may be in a better position to find that “dream job” now than you realize.
Increasingly, job seekers are finding themselves in the driver’s seat as employers face a shortage of qualified talent. Baby boomers are ready to retire and there aren’t enough experienced job seekers to take their place. In fact,’s annual job forecast found that 40 percent of employers say they have positions for which they can’t find qualified candidates.
This could be good news for you in 2008. Not only are employers making their jobs more attractive with unique perks and better salaries, but they are also casting a wider net when it comes to finding talent. This means you could be considered for positions that you weren’t perceived as qualified for in the past.
• Identify a role model: Is there someone out there who has your dream job? Consider what makes this person successful. What path did this person take to achieve his/her success? Ask him or her what responsibilities, experience, education and training are needed to obtain their position.
• Get some help: Reach out to HR professionals and ask what qualities they look for in a candidate who doesn’t have direct experience. Talk to a career advisor or take an online career assessment test learn how your interests, skills and personality can translate into a new job or career. You can also find career tests at sites such as
• Don’t underestimate your skills and experience: The qualified talent shortage has helped employers become more open-minded about relevant experience. Do your homework and understand what skills are necessary to be successful in the job you dream about. Then position your experience accordingly.
• Plot your path: Do you want to change jobs or careers, but are worried about starting over? Understand that the route you take doesn’t have to be direct. Consider the steps that could help you get the job you always dreamed about. Could you volunteer or take a similar job in a different industry to gain some of the skills and experience you need?
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