Tuesday, August 25, 2009

America’s 20 Fastest-Growing Salaries

Money isn’t everything in a career, but for many people, it sure comes close (whether they admit it or not). While everyone has different criteria for what’s important in a job, whether it’s location, challenge, advancement opportunities or overall satisfaction, pay is often the driving force behind many workers’ decision to stay in their current gig, search for a new one, or accept or decline a job offer.

We know looking for a job with an adequate salary is difficult. It depends on the current job market, where you live, your skill set, your experience level and, perhaps most importantly, your job duties. That’s why we’ve done the work for you.

Here are 20 jobs with the highest salary growth, according to data from CareerBuilder.com, in conjunction with CBSalary.com and SalaryExpert.com. The percentage listed is the rate of salary growth for each occupation nationally. The data is based on data collected on an ongoing basis, and comes from several different sources, including the Occupational Employment Statistics provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and ongoing surveys conducted by Salary Expert.

1. Business operations specialists have job duties that vary depending on the industry. Typically, these folks oversee all business aspects of the company.
Salary growth rate: 7.4 percent
Salary: $38,648*

2. Survey researchers create and perform surveys for clients, collecting information used for various reasons.
Salary growth rate: 6.5 percent
Salary: $31,734

3. Industrial-organizational psychologists apply psychology principles to improve productivity and quality of work life in the workplace.
Salary growth rate: 6.4 percent
Salary: $106,844

4. Protective service managers monitor security staff protecting individuals; homes; and business, commercial and industrial organizations. They investigate crimes against clients and create plans to protect clients from theft, sabotage, violence or other situations that endanger the client’s well-being.
Salary growth rate: 6.4 percent
Salary: $75,848

5. Agents and business managers represent and promote clients to prospective employers and handle contract negotiations and other business matters.
Salary growth rate: 5.8 percent
Salary: $113,771

6. Agricultural inspectors make sure agricultural workers abide by laws and regulations surrounding the health, quality and safety of agricultural commodities.
Salary growth rate: 5.6 percent
Salary: $37,001

7. Music directors and composers lead musical groups and create original music.
Salary growth rate: 5.6 percent
Salary: $51,910

8. Film and video editors edit soundtracks, film and video for the movies, and cable and broadcast television.
Salary growth rate: 5.4 percent
Salary: $62,958

9. Aircraft assemblers put together and install parts of airplanes, space vehicles or missiles.
Salary growth rate: 5.3 percent
Salary: $49,824

10. Protective service workers guard individuals and industrial or commercial property against harm, fire, theft, vandalism and illegal entry.
Salary growth rate: 5.3 percent
Salary: $25,727

11. Semiconductor processors are production workers who manufacture semiconductors into different-size disks.
Salary growth rate: 5.3 percent
Salary: $35,799

12. Public relations managers supervise public relations specialists, often specializing in specific industries, and create campaigns for targeted audiences.
Salary growth rate: 5.2 percent
Salary: $91,396

13. Geological and petroleum technicians measure and record physical and geologic conditions in oil or gas wells.
Salary growth rate: 7.4 percent
Salary: $53,004

14. Lodging managers oversee all aspects of hotel operations, like establishing room rates and making sure all standards are met within the hotel.
Salary growth rate: 5.1 percent
Salary: $39,517

15. Anthropologists study the origin, cultural development and behavior of humans, while archaeologists recover artifacts to gather information about humans.
Salary growth rate: 4.9 percent
Salary: $66,861

16. Derrick operators assemble equipment and control pumps to circulate mud through drill holes.
Salary growth rate: 4.8 percent
Salary: $42,363

17. Purchasing managers buy goods and services, like raw materials for manufacturing or office supplies, for companies/organizations.
Salary growth rate: 4.7 percent
Salary: $79,606

18. Set and exhibit designers design special exhibits and movie, television and theater sets.
Salary growth rate: 4.6 percent
Salary: $49,190

19. Biochemists study the chemical composition of living things and the chemical combinations and reactions involved in metabolism, reproduction, growth and heredity.
Salary growth rate: 4.5 percent
Salary: $87,408

20. Law clerks assist lawyers or judges by researching or preparing legal documents.
Salary growth rate: 4.4 percent
Salary: $42,754

*Salary is total national average compensation, including bonus and benefits.

Rachel Zupek is a writer and blogger for CareerBuilder.com. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.

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