Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ACTION ALERT! - Justice for Janitors

Following the successful action at Park Meadows Mall on Saturday, the intimidation of the workers continued. From Kathy Michienzi of SEIU local 105:

After the action, two workers entered the mall with a union organizer all wearing their justice for janitors t-shirts. They were approached by security who required them to change their shirts in order to be in the mall. They all complied and returned to the mall so the workers could pick up their paychecks. While the workers were in the office getting their checks the union organizer was surrounded by 6-8 security guards...He was told that union activity is not allowed on Park Meadows property. This was all done in view of workers.


Call Pamela Schenck the General Manager of Park Meadows Mall at 303.792.2999 or email her at Pamela.schenck@generalgrowth.com.