Employer: International Campaign to Ban Landmines
Closing date: 01 Mar 2014 Download PDF (136.89 KB)
The Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is currently looking for interns in its Geneva-based office to provide support to a small and dynamic team.
Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor (“the Monitor”) provides research and monitoring for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). The Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor is a joint initiative of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines – Cluster Munition Coalition (ICBL-CMC) and provides the most up-to-date and relevant information on and assessment of the international community’s response to the problems caused by landmines, cluster munitions, and other explosive remnants of war.
Internship description This internship position provides an exciting opportunity to develop research, fact-checking, operational, coordination and networking skills. The interns will be exposed to a wide range of researchers, organisations and individuals – including an international network of campaigners, as well as representatives of governments and international organisations.
During this internship period, there will be important Intersessional Meetings in Geneva (April), as well as a Mine Ban Treaty Review Conference in Mozambique (June) and Meeting of States Parties for the Convention on Cluster Munitions in Costa Rica (September), for which the intern’s work will be critical. Duration: Temporary, 4-8 months according to availability Starting date: 24 March 2014, flexible within 10 days
Please visit our website for more information: http://www.the-monitor.org We are looking for candidates that are interested in the following area of work:
Monitoring and Researching • Fact-checking Country Profile and other research drafts for factual errors and ensuring publishable quality in terms of style • Searching and collecting images for the Monitor research publications • Tracking reports submission and progress throughout the production process • Researching, updating and compiling information in databases • Assisting in the development of an internal Style Guide for editors
Public Engagement, including Online • Drafting content for the Monitor newsletter • Updating the websites with information on Country Profiles, Landmine Monitor, and Cluster Munition Monitor • Helping with the Monitor reports’ launch and the logistics, including the coordination of the printing • Developing infographics, interactive maps and other data visualizations (if capable)
About the Organization Landmine and Cluster Munition Monitor (“the Monitor”) provides research and monitoring for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and the Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC). The Monitor has conducted neutral and independent research on landmine, cluster munition, and explosive remnants of war (ERW) issues since 1999. Each year the initiative produces reports with information on cluster munitions and mine use, production, trade, stockpiling, contamination, clearance, casualties, victim assistance, and support for mine action. Landmine Monitor and Cluster Munition Monitor Reports are seen as the most comprehensive source of information on mines, cluster munitions, and other ERW. The Monitor also produces a series of thematically relevant Fact Sheets and Briefing Papers, country profiles for every country in the world, in addition to maps and tables on thematic issues. Research for the Monitor is driven though both its network of researchers worldwide and its 12-member Editorial Team, which is divided into thematic teams and composed of Editors well-respected for their expertise and impartiality of reporting. The Monitoring and Research Committee oversees the running of the Monitor and ensures the accuracy of its reporting.
How to apply:
Please e-mail your CV and maximum one-page covering letter to internships-monitor@icblcmc.org by 1 March 2014.
Kindly note that only those applications which are for a duration of at least 3 months will be taken into consideration. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified in early March 2014.
Conditions Internships are unpaid and preference will be given to interns of Swiss or European nationalities, or persons already in possession of a Swiss work/residency permit. Foreign students studying in Switzerland are allowed to work or to intern, up to twenty hours per week.
Unfortunately the Monitor is not in a position to offer any financial remuneration to interns. All interns are responsible for all expenses and costs incurred in undertaking an internship with the ICBL-CMC, including travel and health insurance.