Thursday, November 7, 2013

FT at John Brown U

John Brown University, private, evangelical, and Christian, seeks a full-time faculty member in Physics to begin August 1, 2014. Responsibilities include but are not limited to teaching undergraduate courses in Fundamentals of Physics (Algebra/Trig-based), General Physics (Calculus-based), and general science and/or mathematics courses for non-majors, as well as advising, scholarship, and service on university committees.  Specific teaching assignments will depend on the interests and expertise of the applicant, as well as the needs of the Division of Natural and Health Sciences.  There may be opportunities to involve undergraduate students in research projects.
The Department of Physics offers service courses for students majoring in Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Kinesiology, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Engineering, and Construction Management.  It also contributes to the core curriculum, emphasizing fundamental principles that provide a strong basis for understanding the physical world.   The Physics Department is housed within the Division of Natural and Health Sciences in the William H. Bell Science Hall, which opened in 2003.  The NHS Division works in conjunction with the Education Department to offer a Bachelor of Science in Education with secondary certification in Mathematics.

Doctorate in Physics preferred, masters required Effective teaching in higher or secondary education, evidence of scholarly potential, and a commitment to Christian higher education are essential.  The candidate should be able to clearly articulate the integration of the Christian faith with science and mathematics.

Position begins August 1, 2014. Screening process begins immediately and continues until the position is filled.

Submit electronically a letter of interest and vita to Attn: Dr. Ed Ericson III, Vice President, Academic Affairs, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR 72761. Phone: 479.524.7129.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.